Katarzyna Maniowska
Źródła Humanistyki Europejskiej , Volume 5, 2012, pp. 1 - 1
Nel presente articolo verranno analizzati diversi concetti del tempo inclusi nel libro di Salvatore Cambosu Miele amaro. All’interno della raccolta è possibile individuare vari livelli del tempo: l’autore liberamente mescola la storia più remota con quella più recente per mettere in rilievo le qualità costanti della società sarda. Il tempo viene interpretato da Cambosu non solo dal punto di vista cronologico, come una lineare sequenza di cause ed effetti nel corso degli eventi, ma soprattutto come una soggettiva percezione di sensazioni, legata alla dimensione atemporale della propria esistenza di ciascuno. Il tempo viene visto come un valore nascosto nella storia collettiva, che si riproduce in ogni generazione, diventando l’infinità. A quell’idea viene contrapposta la concezione del tempo inteso come storia dell’individuo e per questo destinato a perire insieme al suo depositario.
Katarzyna Maniowska
Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume12, Issue 4, Volume 12 (2012), pp. 314 - 327
A Disintegrated Society: Progress in Sardinia in Il Parroco di Arasolè by Francesco Masala
In this article were examined the representation modalities of Italian economic miracle in Sardinia included in Il Parroco di Arasolè by Francesco Masala. The starting point for the author of the novel are antithetical concepts such as progress and regress, the past and the present, immutability and changes, winners and losers.
In the face of changes taking place in Italian society during post-war period, Masala reflects on how economic factors have affected the society and analyses individual solutions directed to face them as well as their consequences at social and personal level.
Katarzyna Maniowska
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 121 - 130
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843933ST.11.009.0307On disglossia in literature: example of Salvatore Satta’s Il giorno del giudizio
Salvatore Satta’s Il giorno del giudizio is an interesting example of a bilingual novel where co-exist Italian as a dominant or high language and nuorese dialect commonly considered a low language. Sardian language appears in special communicative contests in which Italian results inadequate, despite all its richness and cultural heritage. In the novel relatively few and repetitive words of foreign origin are inserted, and the author involves himself in almost simultaneous translation. Translated words reveal the real possibilities or incapacities of Italian: circumlocutions and synonyms of apparently similar meanings result to be only Platonic shadows, poor reflection of ideal linguistic reality inaccessible for those who use a language different from nuorese. The hierarchy of high-low language is subjected to inversion - a minor, or low language is suitable to express more when it refers to the notions existing only in its particular reality. Any attempt directed to find adequate linguistic analogies between the phenomena of a given social group in a different language results in failure.
Katarzyna Maniowska
Romanica Cracoviensia, Volume 20, Issue 1, Volume 20 (2020), pp. 41 - 53
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843917RC.20.005.12174The article is based on comparative analysis of Italian medical documents translated in Polish. A short introduction to Italian and Polish medical terminology and their history will illustrate characteristics of medical language and potential difficulties that a translator may encounter in this kind of texts. In the article a particular attention will be dedicated to synonyms of medical terms that exist both in Italian and in Polish, but sometimes they do not correspond to the same concepts and what’s more, some of them may cause so-called register mismatch in target text.