Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora Jagiellonian University
Justyna Budzik
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 170, Issue 4, 2018 (XLIV), pp. 159 - 164 Budzik
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (177), 2020 (XLVI), pp. 51 - 60 Budzik
Konteksty Kultury, Vol. 7, 2011, pp. 81 - 99
Justyna Budzik
Konteksty Kultury, Volume 10, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 382 - 393 sketch discusses the metaphysical poetry of Andrzej Busza. A deepened refl ection over it was inspired by the latest, English-language poems in which the poet muses over the phenomenon of death, as well as asks questions concerning the existence/nonexistence of God in the universe. The philosophical reflections appearing in many poems help us to formulate a hypothesis that Busza searches for answers to the questions disturbing him in two opposite poles – metaphysics and philosophy. The reading of the last tome, under the title Niepewność [Uncertainty], broadens the field of interpretation, since the poet shows a third sphere – the scientific one, where he will search for the answers to questions of being. Andrzej Busza’s reflections focus on three areas which reveal anxiety and uncertainty, still keeping company to the lyrical hero of his poems. The article was intended to present one of the most important motifs in the works of the poet from Vancouver, illuminating them from three different perspectives which intertwine in his poetry.