Jonasz Misiaszek-Przybyszewski
Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 1/2018, 2018, pp. 271 - 284 railways almost from the very beginning struggled against many difficulties. Firstly, there was the need to unify the three partitioning powers’ railway networks and rebuild the pool of rolling stock. After the Second World War, the Polish railway network was once again heavily damaged by the war and succumbed to plunder conducted by the Red Army. Finally, during the political transformation of the 1990s, Poland has seen a wave of transportation closures that had no precedent in the history of Europe. Thus, rebuilding railways and restoring transportation should be a priority for the Polish state. This work describes the conditionings regarding closing down and restoration of railway lines over the years, forms hypotheses about mistakes which were made during the reorganization and are still made today, causing harm to Polish rail transport, towns and societies, and shows the potential solutions for Polish railways. However, as shown by the study of this report – the policies and actions taken do not provide a perspective towards such restoration in the near future, with detriment to Polish railways, towns and local communities, as well as the whole society.