Iwona Zuziak
Technical Transactions, Architecture Issue 3 A (3) 2014, 2014, pp. 191-207
https://doi.org/10.4467/2353737XCT.14.042.2492The direction of the search for objects described in this article resulted from ruminations related to a theory which sets on the trail of the distinctness of the method or the way of creating contemporary architecture in the conceptual phase. What guides the twenty-first century architect while looking for solutions? Let us try to notice differences in the approach to the formation of a space and the visual means applied within. The visual function and tools, i.e. the form, the colour, the texture and the light, make a homogenous entity at the stage of the formation of an idea. Since visual perception is not just a sensory process, we can arrive at the conclusion that architects’ creativity involves a wider range of tools than before. Several selected and analyzed examples offer some kind of proof of the above thesis. This increases the dose of the interactivity of architecture itself – it becomes more demanding and didactic yet not devoid of beauty. It is an art.
Iwona Zuziak
Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 289-298
https://doi.org/10.4467/00000000PUA.17.034.7215In our deliberations on the main topic we should emphasize the relationship between the three titular factors determining the dynamics of progress: science, local government and business. They all have a history dating back to antiquity. It will be difficult to select the most important or the original field in this triad of concepts, but due to its roots we should mention human creativity. This feature implies the development of entrepreneurship, the type of activity that leads towards civilizational development. Thanks to technological progress, also towards satisfying the hedonistic desires and its use for utilitarian purposes. Thus, the cause and effect chain is infinite. The dynamic efficiency of cooperation largely depends on its simultaneity.