Grzegorz Błaszczyk
Quarterly Journal of the History of Science and Technology, Volume 64, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 183-198 review article discusses Jadwiga Brzezińska’s habilitation thesis entitled Rola Uniwersytetu w Dorpacie w kształceniu polskich studentów farmacji 1802–1918 (The Role of the Dorpat University in the Education of Polish Pharmacy Students 1802–1918), Kołobrzeg 2017. The author presented the education of pharmacists, including Poles, at the aforementioned University from the beginning of the 19th century to 1918. In fact, the work refers to the influence of the University of Dorpat on the development of the Polish intelligentsia on the example of pharmacists. Despite its merit, the work was evaluated negatively.