The “Philosophy of the Common Task” by Nikolai Fyodorov is being translated and published for the first time in France. This article is about the impression that the reader has when faced with such an unusual creative mind, and about the difficulties that arise during translation. Fyodorov’s grandiose project – the resurrection of the “fathers” and the popula- tion of other planets – is striking in its “fantasticness” (according to Vladimir Solovyov). However, he puts in the foreground the creative possibilities of man, and on this point it anticipates the early intellectual currents of the Soviet era. On the other hand, Fyodorov’s concern about the depletion of earthly resources is especially consonant with our era. All this is stated in a special language, full of archaisms and liturgical terms. The article is focused on the consonances of N. Fedorov’s philosophy with the teachings of K. Marx, O. Spengler, C. Darwin, also intersections with the Gospel are emphasized in a new way.