Ewa Jędrzejko
Studies in Polish Linguistics, Vol. 8, Issue 2, Volume 8 (2013), pp. 57 - 74
https://doi.org/10.4467/23005920SPL.13.004.1419The article is an attempt to analyse complex predicates (henceforth VNAs) from the point of view of the prototype theory and the concept of family resemblance (prototype, polycentric and gradable categories). The focus is on the lexical-grammatical status of constructions of the type robić pranie ‘to do the washing’, ulec zniszczeniu ‘to be destroyed’, ‘lit. to undergo destruction’, wpaść w przerażenie ‘to be filled with terror’, ‘lit. to fall into terror’, ponieść klęskę ‘to suffer defeat’ functioning as predicates. Units of this type are clearly structured as [VGENER//METAFOR + NA/NE/NABSTR], highly fossilized (phraseologised) and have considerable derivational potential. Moreover, they are characterized by semantic proximity to full verbs (robić pranie = prać ‘to wash’, wpaść w przerażenie = przerazić się ‘to be terrified’). Units of the VNA type are common cross-linguistically and as such may be seen as a product of a systemic sign-formation mechanism, which complements other (morphological) means of sign-formation. Furthermore, VNAs display strong (semantic, formal and functional) correlations with the V-class. They are produced via nominalization and secondary verbalization of the predicate as well as metaphorical conceptualization of events they denote. Based on the premise that language categories are prototypical in nature (i.e. they are gradable, radial, mono- and polycentric), it is further assumed that the units traditionally recognized as parts of speech (including V and N) also belong to categories with fuzzy boundaries grouped according to their functional (grammatical) identities and family resemblances, in which the center and the periphery can be distinguished. An attempt is made to show that VNAs are located at the periphery of the V-class, constituting a radial polycentric area. VNAs are capable of undertaking the sentence-forming function (like the verb) and enter various mutual semantic relationships (synonymy, antonymy, conversion, gradation, etc.). The linguistic-conceptual (cognitive) mechanism of periphrastic predication is connected with decomposition of the global conceptual content of the predicate and metaphorical conceptualization and image-based profiling of events predicated periphrastically. This brings about multidirectional expansion of the inventory of periphrastic signs (cf. e.g. emotions conceptualized as FIRE: VNA czuć nienawiść ‘to feel hate’ or, metaphorically, wzniecić nienawiść ‘to incite hate’, płonąć nienawiścią ‘to burn with hate’ > V nienawidzić ‘to hate’, or VNAs profiled by the verbalizer from the domain FOOD: żywić nienawiść ‘to nurture hate’, dławić się nienawiścią, ‘lit. to choke on hate’ = nienawidzić (+ intensity). The multiplicity of VNA models illustrates the polycentric character of the V-class and broadens the repertoire of means of predication.
Ewa Jędrzejko
Technical Transactions, Mechanics Issue 2-M (7) 2015, 2015, pp. 35 - 42
The paper deals with visualization of results for simulation of a deformation process of a sample with a mushy zone. The numerical model consists of three basic subsystems: the mechanical, thermal and density changes parts. These describe both solid and semisolid deformation states. Taking into consideration their specific distribution graphical visualization is very helpful for understanding the course of the process. Moreover, a three-dimensional presentation is applied in various fields, ranging from medical imaging systems to technological processes assistance to scientific visualizations and entertainment. The stereoscopic imaging technique is still being developed. It is based on the idea of showing each eye the same scene from a bit different perspective. As an effect the illusion of depth is created due to the way the two images are interpreted by the human brain. Stereoscopy is not a new concept, but in the past few years a significant increase in the interest in this method of visualization could be observed. It is caused by computer and audio-visual technology development. In the paper several techniques of creating stereoscopic images are presented together with their physical bases and devices providing such functionality. The use of projection equipment and possibilities of its application to visualization of semi-solid steel deformation is discussed. Apart from that a description of an implementation of OpenGL specification for stereoscopic presentation of computer simulation results is provided.
Ewa Jędrzejko
Studies in Polish Linguistics, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Volume 6 (2011), pp. 27 - 44
The article discusses selected problems connected with description of complex predicates (CPred), i.a., the still controversial issue of criteria applied to diff erentiate and classify elements of this category, their status in lexical-grammatical system and their relationship with synthetic entities belonging to the class of VERBUM. What makes CPreds interesting is the fact that they have been encountered in various languages (e.g. ispytywat’’voschiščenije (Russian) = mieć // odczuć podziw // zachwyt (Polish) = to feel admiration (for) (English); polučat’ pomošč (Russian) = otrzymać // dostać pomoc (Polish) = to receive help (from sb) (English); zaviazywat’ družbu (Russian) = nawiązać przyjaźń // zaprzyjaźnić się (Polish) = to strike up a friendship // to become friends (English), etc.). This situation calls for a search for complex solutions, also with the aid of new linguistic theories. Especially the cognitivist thesis about the prototypical character of lexical-grammatical categories allows to classify Cpreds as a typologically diversifi ed group of complex entities (characterised by varied degrees of fixedness) functioning within the class of VERBUM understood as a gradated and polycentric category. Such an approach allows for diff erentiation of several types (structural models) of Cpreds, i.e. entities representing a peripheral group of verbs and diff ering with respect to structure, lexical composition and degree of ‘fi xedness’ of their meanings, and, as a result, with respect to their global content: 1) [VCOP + NKONKR // Nabstr // Adj // Adv] (standard nominal predicates); 2) [VMOD+ VINF] + ... (modal predicates); 3) [VFAZ +V // NA] + ... (phase-aspectual predicates); 4) [VGENER + NA // NE // Nabstr] + ... (verbo-nominal analytisms); 5) [VMETAF // METAPRED + Nabstr // NA // NE ] + ... (periphrastic predicates as part of verbal phraseology).