Student, Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu, Wydział Lekarski
Ewa Jarmużek
Art of Healing, Volume 38, Issue 1, Vol. 38 (2023) , pp. 69 - 77 pharmacology is used not only in therapy, but also in many areas of everyday life, such as sports or science. Just as doping agents increase efficiency and strength, nootropic drugs affect the ability to concentrate and memorize, and therefore enjoy growing interest of the academic community. Most commonly used are stimulants, including amphetamine, methylphenidate, modafinil, caffeine and nicotine. Many substances commonly considered to be so-called smart drugs improve cognitive abilities, but their pro-health value is questionable. The aim of the study is to analyze various aspects of the phenomenon of using stimulants by students during studying, i.e. mechanisms of action and effectiveness, side effects and users’ awareness of the potential threats.