Barbara Kita
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, Issue 4 (54) Playing While the World Burns: Games in a Time of Crisis, 2022, pp. 641 - 648 Kita
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, Issue 3 (61) , 2024 (First View)
Barbara Kita
Arts & Cultural Studies Review, Issue 1 (39), 2019, pp. 15 - 29 plays a special role in Chris Marker’s entire work, from the photo-novel La Jetée to the installation titled The Hollow Men. The author builds refl ection on photography and image in reference to the concepts of movement/stillness and memory/forgetfulness. As a consequence, she emphasizes the autobiographical and self-refl ective nature of Marker’s artistic realizations, in many cases realizing the features of an essay. The author of the text proposes an analysis of the practices that Marker applies to photography; she considers how he incorporates photography or an image with the characteristics of photography in his works – which are varied in technique or in used medium and which were arising at diff erent periods of time. The purpose of the article is to outline a certain framework for analyzing the Marker’s creative strategies and to introduce theoretical assumptions that can be used to interpret particular works of the artist.