Alina Holovatiuk
Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2018, 2018, pp. 25-34 article deals with the issue of creating memes in public urban spaces. The definition of the concept of the point of meaning, the object-symbol, the meme in architecture, their purpose and functions, and the process of their formation is described with the addition of illustrative materials. The article shows the approach of organising temporary public spaces with the help of symbolic objects for the revival of surrounding streets and public spaces, promoting pedestrian movement; this, in turn, can accelerate business activity and attract attention to outdoor life in the surroundings. Theoretical conclusions as well as a proposed project for a meme in the Gran San Blas area, Madrid, Spain to make economically sound changes and saturate the park to turn the neutral existing space into a more welcoming area.