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Legal aspects of combating terrorism in the Polish legal system against the background of challenges shaped by European legislation

Data publikacji: 03.2022

Terroryzm – studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 262-296



Piotr Burczaniuk
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa, Polska, Polska
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6685-8769 Orcid
Kontakt z autorem
Wszystkie publikacje autora →


Legal aspects of combating terrorism in the Polish legal system against the background of challenges shaped by European legislation


The article deals with the legal aspects of the fight against terrorism in the national legal system in the context of the challenges shaped by European legislation. The analysed issue is interesting due to the lack of broader and current analyses conducted in the field of legal sciences, devoted to the presentation and explication of legislation covering the subject matter of the fight against terrorism. This study is an attempt to fill this research gap.

In order to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic and to achieve the objectives set out in the article, the study is divided into six main parts. In the introduction, the thesis and its objectives are outlined, then sequentially: an analysis of the formation of legal regulations of domestic law aimed at counter-terrorism is made; the importance of the Act on anti-terrorist activities in the normative system of counter-terrorism in Poland is discussed, taking into account the perspective and experience of five years of its implementation; the current legal status of the European Union in the area of terrorism is presented; the perspectives and regulatory challenges of Polish law in the background of legislative activities of EU bodies are described; the considerations carried out are summarized, outlining the perspectives and regulatory challenges facing the domestic legislator in the background of the directions of the projected legislative solutions in the European Union.


Pobierz bibliografię
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Polska ustawa antyterrorystyczna – odpowiedź na zagrożenia współczesnym terroryzmem (Eng. Polish Act on anti-terrorist activities - responding to the threats of contemporary terrorism), W. Zubrzycki, K. Jałoszyński, A. Babiński (ed.), Szczytno 2016.
Prawne aspekty funkcjonowania służb specjalnych na przykładzie Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego (Eng. Legal aspects of the functioning of special services on the example of the Internal Security Agency ), P. Burczaniuk (ed.), Warszawa 2021.
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Informacje: Terroryzm – studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 262-296

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Legal aspects of combating terrorism in the Polish legal system against the background of challenges shaped by European legislation


Legal aspects of combating terrorism in the Polish legal system against the background of challenges shaped by European legislation



Piotr Burczaniuk
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa, Polska, Polska
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6685-8769 Orcid
Kontakt z autorem
Wszystkie publikacje autora →

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa, Polska, Polska

Publikacja: 03.2022

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: Żadna

Udział procentowy autorów:

Piotr Burczaniuk (Autor) - 100%

Korekty artykułu:


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