Timing is everything! On derivational complexity and multiple workspaces
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RIS BIB ENDNOTETiming is everything! On derivational complexity and multiple workspaces
Data publikacji: 20.03.2019
Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 14 (2019), Vol. 14, Issue 1, s. 43-59
Timing is everything! On derivational complexity and multiple workspaces
Under any derivational approach, syntactic computations proceed from more complex to less complex domains. Though such multiple workspaces get to be resolved into a single – matrix – workspace, the issue of timing– i.e. the point when multiple workspaces must resolve to a single derivational space has not been addressed in the literature. I argue that not only the direction, but also the timing of syntactic computations is guided by a more general requirement to reduce the computational complexity and I propose Multiple Workspaces Earliness Hypothesis to address this issue. On the empirical side, the technical apparatus and the analysis I propose allow me to capture the seemingly contradictory binding facts involving locative PPs as well as to treat adjuncts as relation, rather than absolute notions.
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Informacje: Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 14 (2019), Vol. 14, Issue 1, s. 43-59
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
UiL OTS, Utrecht University
Publikacja: 20.03.2019
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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