Syntactic Change and the Rise of Transitivity: The Case of the Polish and Ukrainian -no/-to Construction
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RIS BIB ENDNOTESyntactic Change and the Rise of Transitivity: The Case of the Polish and Ukrainian -no/-to Construction
Data publikacji: 31.10.2017
Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 12 (2017), Vol. 12, Issue 3, s. 173-198
Syntactic Change and the Rise of Transitivity: The Case of the Polish and Ukrainian -no/-to Construction
This paper analyzes the historical divergence of predicates marked with old passive neuter -no/-to in Polish and Ukrainian. It is argued that the locus of change leading to the rise of the transitivity property involved a rearrangement of morphologically-eroded voice morphology. Despite the surface similarity of the Polish and Ukrainian constructions, their divergent distribution in the modern languages indicates that grammaticalization of the old passive morpheme proceeded along different pathways, implicating the internal structure of vP, and creating new accusative case-assigning possibilities.
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Informacje: Studies in Polish Linguistics, Volume 12 (2017), Vol. 12, Issue 3, s. 173-198
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Syntactic Change and the Rise of Transitivity: The Case of the Polish and Ukrainian -no/-to Construction
Bucknell University
Publikacja: 31.10.2017
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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