Architectural metamorphoses in libraries of the future

Data publikacji: 11.2020

Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 2020, 32/2020, s. 19 - 23



Ivanna Voronkova
Institute of Architecture, Lviv Polytechnic National University
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2711-166X Orcid
Wszystkie publikacje autora →
Viktor Proskuriakov
Institute of Architecture, Lviv Polytechnic National University
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1022-8984 Orcid
Wszystkie publikacje autora →


Architectural metamorphoses in libraries of the future


Throughout their history, all civilized states have built buildings for libraries in line with their needs, possibilities, and imperatives. Every time any dedicated structures were designed and built to host a library, they incorporated the sense for their further use by future generations. Thus, there evolved a basis for a library of the future.
The presented cases from modern international practices in library design and construction illustrate a broad range of expanding possibilities in architecture and design in this new thematic area. The use of modern structural systems, finishing materials, and lighting fixtures enable interesting and unique features in library buildings, while new spatial organisation changes the layout structure and architectonics of libraries.
What is this library of the future? What particularities make it different from the libraries of the past and present? What are the key criteria of a high-quality library functioning in the future? These are major questions explored in the paper that, when answered, provide clear conclusions.


[1] Voronkova I.S., Architecture of a modern library. Design experience in the Czech Republic: Activities of the State Scientific Architectural and Construction Library named after V.G. Zabolotny in 2012: inf.-analyst. review / compiled by: G.A. Vojciechivska, O.V. Zhydetska; editor: G.A. Vojciechivska (ed.), D.O. Myronenko, O.B. Rudych. – K.: DNABB named after VG Zabolotny, 2013. – p. 111.

[2] Voronkova I.S., Architectural and typological principles of renovating the higher education establishment libraries of Ukraine: On the rights of manuscript // Thesis for the competition of a scientific degree of the Candidate of Architecture in the specialty 18.00.02 – Architecture of buildings and structures. – Lviv Polytechnik National University, 2016. – p. 292.

[3] Proskuryakov V., Voronkova I., Educational-research designing as a method of typology development of library buildings by architectural schools of Lviv and Kielce polytechnics: Structure and environment: architecture, civil engineering, environmental engineering and energy. – No. 1/2013, vol. 5. – pp. 5-10.

[4] Renata Samotyj, Ivanna Voronkova, Wpływ technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych na organizację przestrzeni architektonicznej biblioteki: Kraków: IINiB UJ 2010. ISSN 1896-3846. Series III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ, No 7, ed. Maria Kosójowa. ISBN 978-8-3921599-34-6 [electronic documentation: CD-ROM]

[5] Renata Samotyj, Iwanna Woronkowa, Kształtowanie przestrzeni bibliotecznych współczesnej Ukrainy: problemy i wyzwania: Ewolucja nowych przestrzeni bibliotechnych. Od założeń do praktyki / pod red. nauk. Scholastyki Baran i Katarzyny Bikowskiej. – Olsztyn, 2018. – S. 77-96.

[6] The eye above Prague: a library for the third millennium. –first ed. – Prague: National Library of the Czech Republic, 2007. – p. 80: ill.

[7] https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future (accessed on 4.02.20)

[8] https://www.archdaily.com/882819/tianjin-binhai-library-mvrdv-plus-tianjin-urban-planning-and-design-institute (accessed on 4.02.20)

[9] https://www.archiweb.cz/en/b/soutezni-navrh-na-narodni-knihovnu-cr-3-cena (accessed on 4.02.200)

[10] https://www.e-architect.co.uk/prague/national-library-prague (accessed on 4.02.20)


Informacje: Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 2020, 32/2020, s. 19 - 23

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Architectural metamorphoses in libraries of the future


Architectural metamorphoses in libraries of the future



Ivanna Voronkova
Institute of Architecture, Lviv Polytechnic National University
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2711-166X Orcid
Wszystkie publikacje autora →

Institute of Architecture, Lviv Polytechnic National University


Viktor Proskuriakov
Institute of Architecture, Lviv Polytechnic National University
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1022-8984 Orcid
Wszystkie publikacje autora →

Institute of Architecture, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Publikacja: 11.2020

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC BY  ikona licencji

Udział procentowy autorów:

Ivanna Voronkova (Autor) - 50%
Viktor Proskuriakov (Autor) - 50%

Korekty artykułu:


Języki publikacji:


Liczba wyświetleń: 724

Liczba pobrań: 659

<p> Architectural metamorphoses in libraries of the future</p>