2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 04.12.2017

Licencja: CC BY  ikona licencji

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Leszek Fryderyk Korzeniowski, Tomasz Wałek

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 1-17

Formalnie nauki o bezpieczeństwie jako dyscyplina naukowa zostały zarejestrowane w Polsce w 2011 r. w nowo wyodrębnionym obszarze i nowo wyodrębnionej dziedzinie nauk społecznych, obok nauk o obronności, nauk o mediach, nauk o polityce, nauk o polityce publicznej, nauk o poznaniu i komunikacji społecznej, pedagogiki, psychologii, socjologii. Autorzy przeprowadzają krytyczną analizę i diagnozę stanu kształcenia dla bezpieczeństwa w Polsce w kontekście paradygmatów nauk o bezpieczeństwie i standardów Unii Europejskiej.

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Agnieszka Bukowska

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 3-3


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Leszek Fryderyk Korzeniowski, Tomasz Wałek

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 4-19


Formally, security science as a scientific discipline has been registered in Poland in 2011 in a newly separated area and a newly separated field of social sciences, next to defense sciences, media studies, political sciences, science on public policy, sciences on cognition and social communication, pedagogy, psychology, sociology. The authors in the article carry out a critical analysis and diagnosis of the state of education for security in Poland in the context of the paradigms of security sciences and European Union standards.

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Adam Kaczmarski

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 18-31

Policja jest jednym z organów administracji publicznej, która posiada ustawowy obowiązek zapewnienia obywatelom bezpieczeństwa, również w sposób zbrojny. W artykule zaprezentowano organizację i formę obowiązującego systemu szkoleń strzeleckich w polskiej policji. W oparciu o wyniki dotychczasowych badań, wskazano, że większe znaczenie niż indywidualne cechy osobowościowe, mają odbyte przez policjantów szkolenia i treningi. Wprowadzenie szkoleń, które odzwierciedlałyby realne sytuacje, pomogłoby podnieść poziom przygotowania policjantów do służby.

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Adam Kaczmarski

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 20-32


The police is one of the public administration bodies that has a statutory task to provide citizens with security, also in an armed way. The article presents the organization and format of the current Polish police shooting training system. Based on the results of previous studies, it was pointed out that training courses and practice sessions carried out by the police officers are more important than their individual personality traits. Implementation trainings reflecting real situations would help to improve the level of police officers’ preparation for work.

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Daniel Boćkowski

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 32-44

Duże centra handlowe są jednymi z najbardziej wrażliwych celów miękkich. Są podatne na ataki zarówno z użyciem broni palnej, jak i różnego rodzaju białej broni, zwłaszcza noży. Są atrakcyjne dla ludzi niestabilnych emocjonalnie i psychicznie, którzy chcą być sławni. Pomimo monitorowania i ochrony obiektu niemal niemożliwe jest powstrzymanie ataku potencjalnego terrorysty. Centra handlowe połączone w jedną całość z dworcami kolejowymi i autobusowymi są niezwykle trudne do zabezpieczenia, ponieważ często stosuje się tutaj sprzeczne procedury bezpieczeństwa. Wskazane jest budowanie dla takich hybryd specjalnych procedur bezpieczeństwa.
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Daniel Boćkowski

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 33-44


Large shopping centers are one of the most sensitive soft targets. They are susceptible to attacks with both firearms and various types of white weapons, especially knives. They are attractive to emotionally and mentally unstable people who want to be famous. Despite monitoring and protecting the facility, it is almost impossible to stop the attack of a potential terrorist. Shopping centers combined into one unit with rail and bus stations are extremely difficult to secure because conflicting security procedures are often used here. It is advisable to build special safety procedures for such hybrid.

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Magdalena Kobylarz

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 45-57

Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie oraz opisanie, w jaki sposób można przeciwdziałać zagrożeniom bezpieczeństwa społecznego poprzez sport.  W pracy badawczej zastosowano teoretyczną metodę analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły określić, że w głównej mierze to trenerzy i pedagodzy pełnią istotną rolę przy zapobieganiu zachowań ryzykownych. Przegląd literatury pozwolił stwierdzić, że prace badawcze oparte są przede wszystkim na badaniach ankietowych i obecnie niewielu badaczy prowadzi badania dotyczące zwalczania zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa społecznego poprzez aktywność fizyczną. W związku z powyższym konieczne jest dalsze prowadzenie badań w tym kierunku, z wykorzystaniem takich metod badawczych, jak metoda indywidualnych przypadków.

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Mathieu Zagrodzki

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 45-54


Police reforms have been a major issue for the past 40 years. Initiatives in order to reform the very centralised French system, in which the police and the gendarmerie have always prioritised state security, have not been successful. In spite of attempts to implement community policing in the 1990s and, to a lesser extent, under the presidency of François Hollande, French police still have a predominantly aggressive style of policing, which relies mostly on arrests and stops and searches. Another problem is the lack of evaluation of safety policies, with institutions which professional culture is reluctant towards academic research and external insight. President Macron announced reforms aiming at addressing those issues, but it is too early at this point to say if they have reached their objective.

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Aynur Ünal

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 55-67


This research looks at the indigenous, aspect of the Kurds and how indigenousness is expressed within the Kurdish political movement that has been paid limited attention. As this research addresses the differences between these two notions, it will be making a significant contribution on the indigenousness of Kurds that have been either widely seen as ethnic minority in the Middle East or their existence have been denied. I aim to draw scholarly attention to indigeneity discourse to address, in particular, the self-determination claim that is considered the most debated claim of indigenous peoples as self-determination, which is in the Kurdish context, one of the key demand of the Kurdish struggle is also defined as ‘democratic autonomy/democratic confederalism’ that was recognised by the United Nations in 2007 as one of the key rights of Indigenous Peoples.

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Piotr Caliński

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 58-73

Refleksje po konferencji naukowej Transformacja Policji w Polsce po 1989 roku zorganizowanej przez Centrum Badań nad Ryzykami Społecznymi i Gospodarczymi Collegium Civitas 23 maja 2018 roku

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Judita Krasniqi

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 68-81


This paper examines the concept of human rights and security in post-conflict areas in the context of international missions, the process of building a human rights, based on security, and the securement of sustainable peace aims. In Kosovo, the responsibility of the international community to respect human rights have resulted in violations that has seriously put peace and security at risk between Kosovan ethnic groups after 1999. Thus, this article explains how human rights violations continued to be a security threat for Kosovo for two decades until 2008.

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Eleni Daniiloudi-Zielińska, Magdalena El Ghamari

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 82-101


Today's crisis response operations carried out outside the country are located in the dynamic global environment. Their multinational character resulted in a revaluation of views on security and defense, in the context of the use and operation of the armed forces. A large number of crisis response operations also contributed to the number of entities involved in the military and non-military tasks. Changes in the global security environment, the interplay between policy and foreign countries mean that the strategy of the Armed Forces can not be equated only with the art of distribution and use of military means. What's more, there is no one correct way of planning activities of the Armed Forces operating in an alliance or a coalition of multinational operations. Globalization has imposed certain ways of conduct and respond to threats.

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Anna Matczak

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 102-115


The Polish police have come a long way in transforming from highly politicised state policing that functioned under socialism (1949-1989), to that of a service to the public. The aim of this paper is to examine the views on Polish police and contextualise them within a broader, sociological framework by way of presenting selected findings from my doctoral research. My participants’ opinions on the police formed a chronologically-constructed picture, which shed light on the pre- and post-1989 policing in Poland and corroborated Ian Loader’s argument that there is a reciprocal relationship between lay people and the police/quality of policing, and that views on the police remain an avenue by which lay people of a given society share stories about themselves. In this article I argue that lay views on the Polish Police are embedded in a wider perception of the ‘world that they have lost’, post-socialism nostalgia, remembering of the post-1989 transformation processes and constant comparison with the perception of Western standards in police work. The views also serve as an avenue to look into the notion of the Polish legal culture.

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Magdalena Kobylarz

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 116-128


The aim of the article is to present and describe how to counteract threats to social security through sport. The theoretical method of analysis and criticism of the literature was used in the research work. The conducted research allowed to determine that mainly trainers and pedagogues play an important role in the prevention of risky behavior. The review of the literature allowed to conclude that the research work is based primarily on surveys and currently only a few researchers conduct research on combating social security threats through physical activity. In connection with the above, it is necessary to continue research in this direction, using such research methods as the individual case method.

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Piotr Caliński

Securitologia, No 2 (26), 2017, s. 129-144


Reflections after the conference Transformation of Police in Poland after 1989 organized by the Center for Research on Social and Economic Risks Collegium Civitas May 23, 2018

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