Human Rights Violations in Post-Conflict Areas as a Threat to Peace and Security: UN Mission in Kosovo

Data publikacji: 2017

Securitologia, 2017, No 2 (26), s. 68-81



Judita Krasniqi
Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
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Human Rights Violations in Post-Conflict Areas as a Threat to Peace and Security: UN Mission in Kosovo


This paper examines the concept of human rights and security in post-conflict areas in the context of international missions, the process of building a human rights, based on security, and the securement of sustainable peace aims. In Kosovo, the responsibility of the international community to respect human rights have resulted in violations that has seriously put peace and security at risk between Kosovan ethnic groups after 1999. Thus, this article explains how human rights violations continued to be a security threat for Kosovo for two decades until 2008.


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Informacje: Securitologia, 2017, No 2 (26), s. 68-81

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Human Rights Violations in Post-Conflict Areas as a Threat to Peace and Security: UN Mission in Kosovo


Human Rights Violations in Post-Conflict Areas as a Threat to Peace and Security: UN Mission in Kosovo


Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland

Publikacja: 2017

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC BY  ikona licencji

Udział procentowy autorów:

Judita Krasniqi (Autor) - 100%

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