Literary history as bestseller: the life and opinions of a fraudulent philologue
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEData publikacji: 05.2024
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 23 (2023), Tom 23, numer 4, s. 569 - 583
Literary history as bestseller: the life and opinions of a fraudulent philologue
In this article we reveal the publishing ventures of Octav Minar (1886-1967), one of the Romanian authors that was disesteemed by fellow literary historians on account of his counterfeiting acts such as forgery, plagiarism, plastography or trick photography. Related to the book market of interbellum Romania, Minar was frequently branded as the “man-of-the-day” while his publications followed the logic of the “hand-in-glove” ephemerides Notwithstanding the challenges of the term “bestseller,” we turned to it so as to better describe Minar’s cultural products as multiple-layered offers, catering for both low-brow and high-brow readership and seizing signals from both public’s expectations (myth-making, melodrama, sensation, narrative simplicity) and enormous patrimonial gaps (editing the classics, writing the recent authors’ biographies). After a careful examination of Minar’s works, we reached the conclusion that he was an exceptional entrepreneur of letters and, nonetheless, a literary historian endowed with a “melodramatic imagination” as well as with a playwright’s and a genre novelist’s plume. A swift intuition of marketing basics helped him realize, quite rapidly, that historical facts and documents could be merchandized: this is how his impressive collection of Romanian writers’ miscellanea was wrapped as a commodity for the public. If the juridical and moral aspects of his literary ventures were put in between brackets, we would discover an astonishing and ingenious personality who glided between different speech registers, and popularized literary history as a genre belonging to the big tent of mass culture. We should thus take into consideration that the logic of the paraliterary circuit can also be applied to literary history. Boiled down to essentials, counting on citations and on minimal critical comments, spiced with images (facsimile and pictures), Minar’s literary histories had their share in speeding the process of cultural literacy of average Romanian readers and in institutionalizing literary ideas.
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Informacje: Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 23 (2023), Tom 23, numer 4, s. 569 - 583
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași
Publikacja: 05.2024
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY
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AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 190
Liczba pobrań: 216