Impresjony słów. Język naturalnych i sztucznych sieci neuronowych

Data publikacji: 29.03.2019

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, 2018, Tom 11, s. 55 - 75



Wiesław Galus
Niezależny badacz
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5415-5804 Orcid
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Impresjony słów. Język naturalnych i sztucznych sieci neuronowych


It was shown that mental representations of objects created in human minds during the learning process, which take the form of hierarchically connected neurons called semblions, have properties explaining the hierarchical structure of metaphors and other mind tools embodied in Lakoff’s cognitive linguistics concept. It was proven that, at the neurological level, semblions of objects, concepts, ideas and models can be associated with neuronal representations of phonemes heard in coincidence with other objects, creating new semblions which correspond to words. It was shown how activation of semblions can result in recalling, associating, thinking and other higher mental functions which are necessary to use natural language. It was considered why semblions representing mathematical notions enable an adequate description of numerous phenomena of the physical world but, at the same time, their polymodal counterparts can be used to describe qualia. The complementarity between Horzyk’s associative intelligence model and Galus’ model of architecture of self-aware systems was pointed out, which can be used to create artificial self-aware systems able to use both natural language and formal languages with understanding.


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Informacje: Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, 2018, Tom 11, s. 55 - 75

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Impresjony słów. Język naturalnych i sztucznych sieci neuronowych


Semblions of Words. The Language of Artificial and Natural Neural Networks

Publikacja: 29.03.2019

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji

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Wiesław Galus (Autor) - 100%

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