Функции инфинитива в польском и русском языках: корпусный анализ
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEФункции инфинитива в польском и русском языках: корпусный анализ
Data publikacji: 02.03.2016
Język i metoda, 2016, 3, s. 159-170
Функции инфинитива в польском и русском языках: корпусный анализ
The paper presents a corpus-based analysis of the use of infinitives in Polish and Russian. Infinitive is a non-finite verb form developed from a verbal noun, preserving both nominal and verbal syntactic properties. The queries performed in the Polish-Russian Parallel Corpus and in the Parallel Corpus ParaSOl show that Russian more often than Polish allows the infinitive as a main predicate in a sentence and as a verb object. Polish, as well as other West Slavic languages, uses predominantly finite verb forms in the first function and verbal nouns in the latter. When compared with other Slavic languages, the Polish infinitive reveals another essential distinctive property: like Eas t Slavic languages Polish allows the final infinitive clause with the conjunction żeby, while other Slavic languages do not. The use of verbal nouns is extremely frequent in Polish, not only in comparison with Russian but also with other West Slavic languages. To obtain a more comprehensive analysis of Slavic infinitive, a matrix of all uses of infinitives in the text of the novel Kak zakoljalas’ stal’ and its translations into Slavic languages has been prepared and vi sualised by means of specialized software. The graph confirms a proximity within the East Slavic and the West Slavic groups – with the exception of Polish, which remains distant from both groups.
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Informacje: Język i metoda, 2016, 3, s. 159-170
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Функции инфинитива в польском и русском языках: корпусный анализ
Uniwersytet Warszawski, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa, Polska
Publikacja: 02.03.2016
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY
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