Examination of a wall barrier containing phase
change material in a climate chamber
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEExamination of a wall barrier containing phase change material in a climate chamber
Data publikacji: 17.11.2014
Czasopismo Techniczne, 2014, Architektura Zeszyt 8 A (15) 2014, s. 169 - 177
Examination of a wall barrier containing phase
change material in a climate chamber
This paper presents the results of the experimental tests of components containing alternating phase material. The measurements of a light frame wall, in two options: plate with internal drywall filling and plate containing phase variable material, were conducted in a climatic chamber. The temperature and heat flux density distribution on the surface of plates for non-stationary temperature conditions in a climatic chamber were analyzed. The research stand simulated the conditions where the cladding plates were heated with the increase of internal air temperature rather than through direct heating. The main goal of the experiment was to check the utility of the test procedure and the measurement equipment to the planned research of building components containing PCM.
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Informacje: Czasopismo Techniczne, 2014, Architektura Zeszyt 8 A (15) 2014, s. 169 - 177
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Examination of a wall barrier containing phase
change material in a climate chamber
Examination of a wall barrier containing phase change material in a climate chamber
Institute of Building Materials and Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology
Institute of Building Materials and Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology
Publikacja: 17.11.2014
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY
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AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 1630
Liczba pobrań: 1027