Piotr Długosz
Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, Nr 2 (168), 2018 (XLIV), s. 67 - 92
https://doi.org/10.4467/25444972SMPP.18.020.9146Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań nad imigracją ukraińskich studentów do Polski. Badania zostały zrealizowane metodą sondażową za pomocą ankiety audytoryjnej wśród studentów w 2015 i 2017 r. Próba badawcza liczyła 606 studentów. Badania realizowano w Krakowie, Rzeszowie i Przemyślu. Wynika z nich, że głównym motywem przyjazdu na studia do Polski była chęć uzyskania zagranicznego wykształcenia, mającego zwiększyć szanse życiowe młodzieży. Największym problemem, jaki się pojawił po przyjeździe, były wysokie koszty życia w Polsce oraz brak znajomości języka i niedostateczna integracja z polskimi rówieśnikami. Najwyżej studenci ocenili infrastrukturę techniczną i cyfrową polskich uczelni oraz serdeczne i życzliwe stosunki z pracownikami uczelni. Znaczącym problemem dla studentów był brak możliwości znalezienia odpowiedniej pracy w czasie studiów i po ich skończeniu. Większość studentów po licencjacie planuje zdobyć wykształcenie magisterskie. Po zakończeniu edukacji tylko 13% ankietowanych zamierza wrócić na Ukrainę. Ponad połowa chce pozostać w Polsce, a 1/3 wyjechać dalej na zachód.
Integration of ukrainian students in Poland
The article presents the results of research on the immigration of Ukrainian students to Poland. The research was conducted in 2015 and 2017 among students with the use of the survey method and the auditorium questionnaire technique. The research sample consisted of 606 students and was conducted in Kraków, Rzeszów and Przemyśl. The main motivation for going to Poland was the will to get an education abroad, which is supposed to increase one’s life chances. The biggest problems the students had to face after arriving in Poland were high costs of living, insufficient command of Polish and incomplete integration with Polish peers. The students evaluated the technical and digital infrastructure of Polish universities and the rapport with academic staff highly. The main problem for the students was the difficulty of finding appropriate jobs during their studies and after finishing. The majority of students plan to continue studying second cycle degree programs after finishing their first cycle studies. Only 13% of students declare that they will return to Ukraine after graduating. More than half want to stay in Poland whereas one third want to go to the West for economic reasons.
Piotr Długosz
Jagiellońskie Studia Socjologiczne, Numer 4, 2014, s. 239 - 252
The Young Generation of the East Borderland in the Years 2007–2011
The article presents the results of survey research of the east borderland youth. Collected observations indicate that examined high school graduates have the access to the modern technology. Each year it increases the range of “connected” to Internet. The vast majority of the youth aft er the abitur intend to continue the education on any academies. Most oft en the high school graduates want to graduate studies at the university. Th ey most frequently chose the study at the University of Rzeszów, at the Rzeszów University of Technology, at the Jagiellonian University and at the AGH University of Science and Technology. Aft er high education they would most willingly work in a government-operated factory. The expected the average minimum wage is about 2000 zloty netto, the maximum wage is over 3000 zloty. Only 1/3 of interviewee youth is going to stay at the borderland, the most of them intend to move to big city, because it is easier there to get a job and career. Th e youth of borderland has got high aspiration and is optimistic, believe in realization of their aims and life desires.
Piotr Długosz
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 22, numer 2, 2017, s. 143 - 156
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138ZPS.17.010.7317Educational inequalities as a social problem in post-transformational societies
Piotr Długosz
Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej, Tom 21, Numer 2, 2016, s. 77 - 90
https://doi.org/10.4467/24496138PS.16.006.6276Generation of the defeated? Psycho-social condition of youth in East-Central Europe
The following article aims at verifying the question of psycho-social condition of youth. In the discourse on youth, theses about increasing marginalization of youth, entering adulthood being hindered and the phenomenon of psycho-wave appear. In order to verify the researched issue, survey method was used. The data was collected by means of auditorium questionnaire. The research sample was of quota character. The research sample in Poland consisted of 3479 respondents, 1289 in Ukraine and 359 in Hungary. The gathered observations refute the theses about the worsening of their psycho-social condition. Youth from all the researched countries in comparison with the generation of their parents evaluate their chances of getting a good education, a satisfying job, achieving high social status and social standing better. Higher skepticism is observed in terms of starting a family and deriving satisfaction from their lives. The researched youth are also satisfied with their lives and evaluate their future positively. The youth from post-transformational societies are of good psycho-social condition and instead of creating a problem for the society, they will constitute their vital resources.