Paweł Romaniuk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (38), 2017, s. 203 - 217 of Human Resources Management in Public Administration Challenge for the Strategy of Socio-economic Development of Warmia and Mazury
Public administration should constantly develop and contribute to improving the processes related to the implementation of public tasks. In this context, a very desirable tool for perfecting local government personnel become regional development strategies. The analysis was subjected Strategy of socio-economic development of Warmia and Mazury 2025, which allows the skilful and appropriate investment in human capital. The study analyzed area is to identify the main activities in the field of human resources management, preferring to improving public administration to utilize this Strategy for socio-economic development of the Warmia and Mazury. The search for aspects related to the proper management of human resources in local government was based on a review of scientific literature showing practical examples and empirical results of previous studies.
Paweł Romaniuk
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 15(3), 2016, s. 79 - 94 the current economic circumstances, a significant process that affects the efficiency and functionality of the operations of every organisation, including public administration, is the communication process. The correct information flow, as well as mechanisms for sharing knowledge, have become key areas in the life of every organisation. In that respect, the information and communication technologies, which are currently a key factor supporting social integration and increasing possibilities for the cooperation of public administration bodies with other entities and citizens, are becoming more and more helpful in the communication process. The application of e-administration when fulfilling the needs of citizens has become a real challenge for modern administration.
Research aims The objective of the research of the analysed area is to indicate the main principles concerning efficient communication with the environment and within public administration units, using skilful e-communication management.
Methodology The author presents the main assumptions of communication process management, including e-communication in public administration.The search for some aspects related to the application of e-administration, using certain techniques of communication process management, was based on a review of the scientific literature, with the indication of practical examples and results of previous empirical research in that respect. The author also applied the method of legal dogmatic, which focused particularly on the analysis of the material standard to determine what law applies in a given time on a given territory.
Key findings Among the many aspects and techniques of communication process management in public administration, IT and the Internet are more and more often used for the purposes of realising public services. The possibility of completing administrative procedures electronically allows the modernisation of every organisation, including public administration units, and the building of trust for such institutions. Citizens more and more often use the possibility of contacting various offices online thanks to modern IT technologies.
Paweł Romaniuk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (31), 2015, s. 265 - 281 essence of public-private partnerships and the management of the investment policy of local governments
Local government units in Poland are responsible for implementing a wide range of tasks that are usually associated with satisfying the basic needs of local communities. In addition, local governments are responsible for implementing processes involving local and regional development. However, the implementation of the tasks set largely conditioned by the financial possibilities that are made available to individual self-government units. In a situation where current spending consumes the largest part of the budget of local investment activity remains very limited. For help in such a situation, the legislature directs the contracting public-private partnership. Modern public-private partnership is a form of long-term, based on the principle of mutual trust – cooperation of the public sector with the private sector. The aim of such cooperation are the most common services provided, whose main task is the implementation of a public task with simultaneous benefit of the private sector. The idea of public-private partnership aims to achieve mutual benefits. On the one hand, is focused on delivering the key tasks of the public, on the other hand – on achieving commercial purposes.
Paweł Romaniuk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (26), 2014, s. 191 - 202 essence of proper management of union projects with potential risk of failure
The process of managing EU projects, already in the new EU financial perspective for 2014–2020, is an activity very important for a properly functioning public sector entities. Each managing EU funds must be aware that the correct identification of all possible risks in the implementation of EU projects can contribute to more efficient control over all processes connected with it and give a greater level of acceptance of the diagnosis of hazards that may occur at any time. Effective management of the project co-funded by the EU has several aspects. It is both the ability to manage staff, skilful co-operation between the partners implementing the project and financial management, allocated for the project. Depending on the nature of the project and its complexity, the phone may risk associated with future performance, and especially the financing of the project. Thus, properly prepared procedures absorption of such measures with EU procedures, project management, supply ensuring the correctness of their spending.
Proces zarządzania projektami unijnymi, w nowej już perspektywie finansowej Unii Europejskiej na lata 2014–2020, jest działaniem niezwykle ważnym dla prawidłowo funkcjonujących jednostek sektora finansów publicznych. Każdy zarządzający środkami unijnymi musi zdawać sobie sprawę, iż prawidłowe zidentyfikowanie wszelkich możliwych ryzyk w realizacji projektów unijnych może się przyczyniać do sprawniejszej kontroli nad wszelkimi procesami z nim związanymi oraz zwiększać poziom akceptacji zdiagnozowanych zagrożeń, które mogą pojawić się w każdym momencie. Efektywne zarządzanie projektem współfinansowanym ze środków unijnych ma kilka aspektów. Jest to zarówno umiejętność zarządzania personelem, dobra współpraca pomiędzy partnerami realizującymi dany projekt, jak i zarządzanie finansami przyznanymi dla danego przedsięwzięcia. W zależności od charakteru projektu i jego złożoności może się pojawić ryzyko związane z przyszłym wykonaniem, a przede wszystkim finansowaniem takiego projektu. Stąd właściwie przygotowane procedury absorpcji takich środków wraz z procedurami zarządzania projektami unijnymi zapewniają prawidłowości ich wydatkowania
Paweł Romaniuk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (24), 2013, s. 447 - 458 current law, which regulates the functioning of local government designate their powers and tasks that aim to achieve the objectives. Such activities tend to be heavily supported institution of management control. In addition, the modern tool for the management of the local government in the effective management of all processes in the body - is the internal audit unit. Definition, based on article 272 (act on public finance) internal audit is an independent and objective activity, the aim of which is to support the Minister in charge of the department or manager in the implementation of goals and objectives through a systematic evaluation of management control and advisory activities. The article brought closer the possibility of creating the regional government's development policy, which is and can be to support the internal audit activity.
Paweł Romaniuk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (36), 2016, s. 343 - 354 values in contemporary management institution of higher education and local government
Today's environment of any organization and to seek ever new ways to improve the efficiency of their operation. This applies to both universities, as well as local government units, which together more often cooperate and implement various projects. Joint actions can be seen through the gradual raising ethical standards applied in different organizations. These study provides perspectives from the axiological to manage these specific types of organization, which is the university and the local government unit.
Paweł Romaniuk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (21) , 2013, s. 57 - 70
The impact of procedures and audit activities on the management of local government units
In today’s local government territorial function of specific rules and processes that serve to achieve specific objectives and results. But the very existence and functioning of the operating principles and processes does not guarantee the full success of the government, if they are not accompanied by appropriate mechanisms for internal audit. Internal audit is an activity independent, objective assurance and advisory, which aims to add value and improve the organization’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by systematically and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and corporate governance. Internal audit is primarily a tool to help managers of the unit, giving the possibility of efficient and effective management of all processes. Internal audit is also an instrument to support the majority decision-making processes undertaken by managers, through careful management of all resources held by the entity.