Paweł Balcerak
Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 3, 2009, s. 9 - 16
Paweł Balcerak
Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 4, 2010, s. 19 - 24
About the Exception That Became a Rule
This paper will attempt to answer the question: Why has an exceptional situation become the norm in research on inference? The exception refers to deductive inference. We start with presenting the reasons why we believe that deductive reasoning should be regarded as an exception rather than a rule. Then we move on to a two-stage attempt to answer the main question of the paper. Firstly, we look into the practical application of deductive reasoning and non-deductive models. Then, we will look into the structure of these inferences searching for features which could result in the dominance of one of them. The work will be completed by a comparison of how our knowledge of the inference has changed and what has happened over the last few years in mathematics and physics. This refers to the revival of interest in deterministic chaos.