Olgierd Kucharski
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Tom 26 Zeszyt 2, Volume 26 (2019), s. 121 - 134
https://doi.org/10.4467/25444654SPP.19.009.10273The right churches and religious associationis to request information from an employee candidate about his confession and religion
In this work authors analyze existing legal regulations in the state legal order, concernig processing of personal data on employments in churches and religious associotions. Some of churches and religious associotions introduce regulations limiting access to employment in their structures for people professing different faith or views. They carry out their prophetic mission only or primarily with the participation of their own followers, opening themselves to all people, or only those who meet the requirements defined by internal law. This special legal relationship between an employee (candidate to empolyee) a church and other religion organizations as the employing entity, resulted from participation in the implementation of religious purposes, in especially the right of personal data about candidtae of employment proffesing.
JEL: | K31 |
ASJC: | 3309 |
Przetwarzanie danych osobowych dotyczących zatrudnienia w Kościołach i innych związkach wyznaniowych
Olgierd Kucharski
Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy), Tom 25 Zeszyt 4, Volume 25 (2018), s. 355 - 366
https://doi.org/10.4467/25444654SPP.18.022.8950Processing of personal data on employment in churches and religious associations
In this work authors analyze existing legal regulations in the state and internal (canonical) legal order, concernig processing of personal data on employments in churches and religious associotions. Presented considerations regarding the principles of employment in churches and other religious associatons indicated that from formal side there are no significant differences with respect to other entities appearing in the legal turnover. The right to autonomy allows churches and religious associations in the borders of state law, to determine the rules processing of personal data, in accordance with the assumptions resulting from their specificity.
JEL: | K31 |
ASJC: | 3309 |