Magdalena Urbańska
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy, Numer 3 (49) „Powrót futuryzmów”, 2021, s. 667 - 675 review focuses on the analysis of PawełTański’s book Głosy i performanse tekstów. Literatura – piosenki – ciało [Voices and Performances of Texts: Literature – Songs – Body]. Contrary to the title, textual analysis overwhelmingly prevails over performance studies in Tański’s work which also abstains from research into this field. The author carries out a sketchy review of cultural texts – mainly poetry and songs. In my article I examine Tański’s study, with particular attention to his favourite motifs, i.e. self-referentiality, love for poetry and counter-culture. As the author often reduces scientific description to emotional interpretation and expresses personal preferences in an exaggeratedly emotional form, the reader receives a cumulative expression of love for literature in the form of a report from the inside. This is also evidenced by the number of literary references and extensive citations. In my review, I critically follow this affective delight, and recognise Tański’s analyses to not only be personally tinged but also to draw from performative writing.