Magdalena Jasińska
Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 1-M (1) 2016, 2016, s. 3-14 paper presents applications of a new model of the rheological behaviour of dense oil-inwater emulsions of non-colloidal droplets to describe the flow structure, the effects of the flow of dense emulsion on drop deformation and the related increase of the interfacial area and the mass transfer rate.
Magdalena Jasińska
Czasopismo Techniczne, Chemia Zeszyt 2-Ch (24) 2014 , 2014, s. 29-34
Methods that can be used to predict agitation power of the in-line rotor-stator mixers are considered in this paper. Results of experimental investigations and CFD modeling are presented and interpreted theoretically for the Silverson rotor-stator (150/250) MS mixer. Results of theoretical analysis lead to extended version of previously used correlation.