Lucyna Szot
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, Tom 59, Numer 2 (226), 2016, s. 369 - 392 and professional standards of journalism
Most of the media occupations are characterized by low professionalism, i.e. lack of clearly defined qualifications and rules of actions appointing standards of professionalism, which in connection with cult of individualism and talent, favours development of different ideologies.
Every journalist works in different fields of expectations, has different criteria of valuation their work and must make a choice. In large media institutions basic contradiction can be seen between: impartiality, criticism with creativity requirements and specialization and routine at work, owners interests and citizens right freedom of speech, salary for effectiveness of work or product and for labor time. All those contradictions are in publishing activity itself. Politicization and commercialization phenomenon and economic conditions in which those processes are done effect on deterioration of journalism in Poland. Not sufficient enough activity of creative societies causes this situation. Journalistic associations are weak and divided. They aren’t able to represent matters of journalistic environments in parliament efficiently.