Luca Palmarini
Romanica Cracoviensia, Numero speciale (3), Tom 23 (2023), s. 339 - 348 symbolism of Poland and its rulers in the Dichiaratione dell’arco fatto in Padova nella venuta della Serenissima Reina Bona di Polonia
The purpose of this article is to analyse the symbolism concerning Poland and the reigning house of the Jagellonian dynasty, represented, together with various symbols of other institutions, in a temporary triumphal arch, created in 1556 on the occasion of the arrival of Queen Bona Sforza in Padua. The city authorities asked Alessandro Maggi, a Paduan scholar and collector of antiquities, to take charge of the arch, designed by the Veronese architect Michele Sanmicheli, and to provide it with a symbolic-decorative apparatus. In order to immortalize the event, Maggi decided to write, in the form of an open letter, and to give to the press Dichiaratione dell’arco fatto in Padova nella venuta della Serenissima Reina Bona di Polonia, a chronicle in which he not only narrated Bona’s stay in the lands of the Venetian Republic and the festive procession that took place in Padua, but also meticulously described the structure of the arch, explaining, at least in part, its symbolism. In particular, the iconographic and iconological analysis of the allegorical representations and selected inscriptions will allow us to understand his level of knowledge of the realm of which Bona Sforza, consort of Sigismund I, had been queen for almost forty years, as well as what meanings Maggi ‒ through personal interpretations and the application of his profound knowledge of the ancient Roman world to the era contemporary to him ‒ intended to convey to onlookers.
Luca Palmarini
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 19, Numer 1, Tom 19 (2019), s. 43 - 53 in a book of mathematical riddles from the beginning of the 16th century
In this paper we present and analyse, from the linguistic point of view, the treatise Giuochi mathematici written by Piero di Niccolò d’Antonio da Filicaia. It is a very appealing witness of the history of the recreational mathematics from the beginning of the 16th century. After a brief introduction of Piero’s cultural background, we describe the structure of the treatise and its sources. We deal especially with the fourth part of Giuochi mathematici in which the author imitates the contents of Alberti’s Ludi matematici. Our analysis shows that textual reworking is quite deep although there is continuity as far as terminology and contents are concerned.
*Articolo realizzato nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca 2016/21/B/HS2/00744 finanziato con i fondi del National Science Centre of Poland.
Luca Palmarini
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 20, Numer 4, Tom 20 (2020), s. 247 - 259 some methods applied to Italian grammars for Poles between the 19th and 20th centuries
The article aims to compare and analyse Italian grammars and manuals for Polish users published between the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The purpose is to observe the general trends on the methods proposed, the changes taking place and the possible influences on teaching of Western languages as foreign languages in a historical moment when after the Third Partition Poland had ceased to exist as a sovereign state.
Luca Palmarini
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 13, Numer 3, Tom 13 (2013), s. 217 - 233
„Szczęśliwy” Włoch w Krakowie.
Biografia i twórczość językowo-literacka Gianniniego Fortunato pomiędzy Włochami a Polską
Każdy italianista w trakcie studiów natrafił zapewne na nazwisko Giannini Fortunato w kontekście jego dwóch najbardziej znanych w Polsce dzieł: Słownik włosko – polski polsko włoski i Praktyczna metoda języka włoskiego. Ten nauczyciel języka włoskiego, przybyłego do Krakowa ponad wiek temu, bez cienia wątpliwości dostarczył kolejnych bodźców w relacjach językowo-kulturowych od wieków istniejących pomiędzy tymi dwoma państwami. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie biografii i dorobku Gianniniego, który jawi się nader płodny na obydwu frontach językowych. Ponadto pozostawione przez Gianniniego świadectwo literackie jest niewątpliwie godne uwagi zarówno z historycznego jak i językowego punktu widzenia.
Luca Palmarini
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 14, Numer 3, Tom 14 (2014), s. 214 - 233
From Padova to Krakow: reminiscences of Nelly Nucci (1901–1940) as Italian language teacher
and promoter at the Jagiellonian University
The purpose of the article is to analyse life as well as literary works and years of teaching Italian
in Poland of Nelly Nucci, an Italian lecturer at the Jagiellonian University for almost a decade. The
analysis of the above mentioned aspect is based on documents from archives and journalism from this
period, which allows us to get to know the activity of the person, who with time became a Polish
language and literature professor in Italy.
This article presents also her scientific activities which embraces both Polish and Italian literature
and leads to consolidation of relations between the two countries.
The article is a rememberance of prof. Nucci’s works, nowadays unfairly forgotten nevertheless
representing an important stage of development of Italian studies at the Jagiellonian University in
Luca Palmarini
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 16, Numer 2, Tom 16 (2016), s. 121 - 135 work intends to analyze the linguistic production of Wojciech Meisels, author of Italian language grammars and a bilingual dictionary Italian-Polish, Polish-Italian. This work reconstructs the author’s life and tries to understand his first contacts with the Italian culture and language. Survivor the Second World’s War, Wojciech Meisels was the professor at the Jagiellonian University of Cracow. He prepared a highly popular bilingual Italian-Polish, Polish Italian dictionary, in two volumes, entitled Podręczny Słownik włosko-polski (1964) and Podręczny słownik polsko-włoski (1970). The second part of the article presents a lexicographic analyze of this dictionary trying to explain its success