Krzysztof Bartoszek
Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 133, 2013 , s. 21 - 34 authors investigated days of sultry weather in the Lublin and Nałęczów region from 1966 to 2010. A long-term variability of such days in relation to the three biometeorological indices : the Scharlau’s criterion, the equivalent temperature and the Heat Stress Index (pHSI) was analyzed. Days of sultry weather can occur in the analyzed area from May to October, but a clearly higher frequency is limited to the period from June to August, with a maximum in July. The most uncomfortable bioclimatic conditions were noticeable in the second half of the day, when air temperatures were highest. The study also showed that the pHSI index has the greatest practical importance because it has been determined on the basis of the human heat balance model and we can also calculate the number of days with various intensity of sultriness. Regardless of the method of calculating biometeorological indices, a significant increase in the risk of dehydration and overheating of the human body was found. The reason is an increasing number of sultry days that occur in long sequences. The upward trend may limit all kinds of physical outdoor activity in the study area.
Krzysztof Bartoszek
Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 157, 2019, s. 91 - 108 To determine extreme weather types in Lublin, in the years 1951–2015, the typology of Woś was applied. It provided a basis for the designation of two extreme thermal types: one with hot and one with very frosty weather. Furthermore, a type of weather with intensive precipitation, not included in the original version of the classification, was analysed. Meteorological data used in the study were obtained from the Meteorological Observatory of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. The circulation conditions were determined based on the classification of circulation types for the area of Central-Eastern Europe.
In the years 1951–2015 extreme weather types occurred in Lublin for 5 days in a year on average. Days with the hot weather type were recorded most frequently. Their occurrence was favoured by air advection from the southern or eastern sector with a transitional or anticyclonic character. In the analysed multi-annual period an increasing tendency in he number of such days was observed. The number of days with the very frosty weather type, primarily related to the advection of air masses from the east, decreased. In the case of the number of days with the weather type with intensive precipitation no evident tendency of changes was determined in the analysed period.
Krzysztof Bartoszek
Prace Geograficzne, Zeszyt 150, 2017, s. 61 - 78