Katarzyna Wójtowicz
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 8, Numer 1, Tom 8 (2008), s. 50 - 54
The langue d’oc is a language with a very long history. Its strong dialectal differentiation and a
lack of common norm, as well as a diglossia over the years, make its situation quite complicated. This
language is not much present in everyday life, however there is a lot of opportunities to have contact
with it through the culture and education. The situation of diglossia created also the phenomenon of
Katarzyna Wójtowicz
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 10, Numer 1, Tom 10 (2010), s. 157 - 162
Katarzyna Wójtowicz
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 11, Numer 1, Tom 11 (2011), s. 492 - 500
Katarzyna Wójtowicz
Romanica Cracoviensia, Tom 8, Numer 1, Tom 8 (2008), s. 55 - 58
The French language and the langue d’oc, over the centuries of contacts, have entered into a substrat
relation, on which has grown so called francitan – variety of French, with strong influences of
the langue d’oc. These influences are visible not only in the phonetic and lexical side, but also in the