Joanna Soćko
Wielogłos, Numer 2 (24) 2015: Postsekularyzm i literatura, 2015, s. 47 - 62
The Fourth Dimension. R.S. Thomas’s Poetry and the Question
of God’s Absence
The text deals with the poetry of R.S. Thomas (1913−2000) – a British author and an Anglican priest in the Church of Wales – whose works are full of controversial (given his priesthood) statements concerning the absence of God. As a lot of Thomas’s poems convey thoughts intersecting with post-secular reflection on the death of God, rooted in Derrida’s questioning of the “metaphysics of presence,” the article aims at tracing the inspirations behind Thomas’s quasi-religious poetry. The point of departure for this reflection is the poet’s recollection of being left by his parents alone for the first time. The impression of an empty house turns out to be an experience which shaped the poet’s attitude towards the disenchanted space he lives in. Although most critics claim that the apparent absence of God in Thomas’s poetry results directly from the tradition of theological via negativa, the author of the article pays attention to those characteristics which differentiate Thomas’s spirituality from the theological tradition and the most important difference between the poet’s attitude and the traditional model of Christian contemplation turns out to be time, or, more precisely, the temporal discrepancy between the possible accessibility of the transcendent being and the man’s ability to “catch it at work.”
Joanna Soćko
Wielogłos, Numer 1 (51) 2022: Ludzkie, pozaludzkie, postludzkie, 2022, s. 49 - 69 Crisis and Metanoia. Mystical Aspects of Contemporary Nature Writing
The aim of this article is to provide a synthesizing overview of religious references appearing in contemporary nature writing and in discourses dealing with the issue of the climate change. The author emphasizes the importance and scale of those references, pointing to the lack of theoretical tools – not developed by “divergent”ecocritical and post-secular theories – that could be used to characterize this phenomenon. Focusing on the descriptions of mystical experiences represented in contemporary nature writing, the author refers to the psychology of religion and neurotheology to show the actual potential of religious paradigm of spiritual and mental transformation (metanoia) in the context of climate change.