Jakub Kołodziejczyk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 3 (23), 2013, s. 353 - 360
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843968ZP.13.029.1429Conceptualizing of values of the professionalism of nurses
Accepted values are motivating and give direction to taken actions. The object of projected studies are values that underlie professional competence of nurses: (1) professional knowledge and skills, (2) relations among employees, (3) concern for the best interest of the patients. An assumption that the values can change along with the lenght of service has been done. In the research in which participated 60 nurses, modifi ed questionnaire concerning Professional Life Dilemmas, based on Biographic Dilemmas Questionaire by Adam Niemczyński, was used. The results indicate that all the three values are refl ected in the way of thinking about the professionalism, reconstituted from the statements in the questionnaire. The assumptions concerning the change in the way of understanding of the professionalism during working life, that goes from knowledge and skills, through the importance of the relation among nurses to the concern for the patient are confi rmed.
Jakub Kołodziejczyk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (26), 2014, s. 177 - 189
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843968ZP.14.015.2349Motivation in the team of employees – from the individual motivation to team motivation based on an analysis of team mental maps
Typically, literature on motivation emphasized the importance of individual factors as well as mechanisms that affect the motivation of employees in teams. Team’s perspective and factors resulting from mutual interactions and patterns of motivation produced by the team were usually not taken into account in previous studies. The aim of this pilot study was to show the shape of the collective perspective on the meaning of team motivation and test “mental maps” as a tool for studying team constructs of “team motivation”.
The following study involved 18 people, working in 3 different teams. Each team was asked to draw a mental map illustrating understanding of the term “team motivation” and relationships between concepts that made up this term. The content and structure of mental maps were analyzed qualitatively (content analysis) and quantitatively (average number of components and connections, maps density, adjacency matrix) . The results indicate that: (1) the tool which was used in the study captures the collective mental model specificity of the studied term; (2) beyond the typical motivators presented in the literature on motivation of individuals there are also factors which are specific for the team work and team processes.
W literaturze dotyczącej motywacji na ogół podkreśla się znaczenie indywidualnych czynników czy mechanizmów wpływających na motywację pracowników w zespołach. Zwykle nie uwzględnia się perspektywy zespołu oraz czynników wynikających ze wzajemnych interakcji i wytworzonych w zespole wzorców motywacyjnych. Celem przeprowadzonego badania pilotażowego było ukazanie kształtu kolektywnej perspektywy w rozumieniu motywacji zespołu i przetestowanie „map mentalnych” jako narzędzia służącego do badania zespołowych konstruktów pojęcia „motywacja zespołu”.
W badaniu wzięło udział 18 osób, pracujących w 3 różnych zespołach. Każdy z zespołów został poproszony o narysowanie mapy mentalnej ilustrującej rozumienie terminu „motywacja zespołu” i zależności między pojęciami, które się na ten termin składają. Treść i strukturę map mentalnych poddano analizie jakościowej (analiza treści) i ilościowej (średnie liczby komponentów i połączeń, gęstości map, macierze sąsiedztwa). Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że: (1) narzędzie, którym posłużono się w badaniu, pozwala na uchwycenie specyfiki zbiorowego modelu mentalnego badanego pojęcia; (2) poza typowymi motywatorami wstępującymi w literaturze dotyczącej motywacji jednostek, w mapach znajdują się też czynniki charakterystyczne dla pracy i procesów zespołowych.
Jakub Kołodziejczyk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (20), 2012, s. 59 - 71
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843968ZP.12.029.1072Paper describes a current condition of the system of improving teachers in Poland and changes planned. Analysis of the system structure of improving and the scope and aims of institutions supporting improving the functioning of schools and teachers were included in the first part of the text. In the second part planned changes including both organizational new solutions integrating all sorts institutions of a system of improving both supporting schools and teachers and the change in the way of conducting improving based on the process-based approach were described.
Jakub Kołodziejczyk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 4 (24), 2013, s. 513 - 522
https://doi.org/10.4467/20843968ZP.13.041.1746Cooperation of schools and social services in process of coping with difficult situations
Paper show the importance of cooperation in dealing with difficult situations schools face. Presented research carried out with participation of 20 secondary schools shows types of difficult situations schools face, kind of social services schools cooperate with in dealing with those situations and also tries to describe different types of cooperation
Jakub Kołodziejczyk
International Journal of Contemporary Management, Numer 12(2), 2013, s. 121 - 130
In current research on the team roles played by staff, prevailing methods have been de-veloped on the basis of psychometric techniques. These techniques allow us to define per-sonnel’s predispositions and their potential to play specific roles in teams. The authors’ con-cern was to verify this attitude from the point of view of the staff taking effective roles. In the research a sociometrical technique was applied, that presently forms part of a more wide approach to the study of organizing Social Relations Analysis which consisted in studying relations between different subjects. In the pilot research 3 task teams operating in public administration participated. The results indicate that application of the sociometrical method allowed us to capture differences between the effective roles played in a team and the potential defined with the use of methods based on psychometric research.
Jakub Kołodziejczyk
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 2 (6) , 2009, s. 41 - 52
The interest for multidisciplinary teams began in the 90’s of the past century. This interest stemmed from shifting the focus from activities consisting on “providing care” to increased focus on individuals (clients) that benefit from widely understood social assistance system. The issue of interdisciplinary teams is well described in the literature related to health care and social assistance, however there are not many publications in the field of education that explore the problem. The main goal of this article is the analysis based on literature and experiences coming from the activity of interdisciplinary teams in schools, of the possibilities of this type of work organization in school and the analysis of factors that influence its efficiency.