Psychology Unit, Institute of Pedagogy, University of Rzeszów President of the Management Board of Polskie Radio S.A.
Henryk Pietrzak
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 14, Numer 4 , 2013, s. 397-410 humanities and natural sciences, the media sphere is treated as a complex, abstract object used for describing the processes of media-based social communication. The concept is objectified and can be encountered in terminology employed in such fields as sociology, psychology, information technologies, cybernetics, the Internet, study of information society, as well as sciences of market economy, study of law and even organizational learning. Generally speaking the media sphere is a social sub-sphere and comprises the following sets of elements: media, information items, associations, senders and recipients. Each of these groups is time-dependent and changes significantly in a fractal-like manner. In this sense, we can talk about kinematics of this sphere and compare it to methodology issues connected with the area of physics. What is more, elements of the media sphere are affected by external factors. Therefore, it is possible to investigate the dynamics of the media sphere.
Henryk Pietrzak
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 2, Numer 3, 2014, s. 129-139 order to accomplish the mission of a public radio it is necessary to manage the broadcasting time adequately, taking into account the mission-related objectives, such as production of programs focusing on matters important for local communities. Public radio should be perceived by the audience as a reliable and trustworthy source of information. At the same time it should compete for young listeners and improve attractiveness of the program without excessive commercialization. Therefore, being a public station, Radio Rzeszów SA broadcasts a wide variety of programs focusing on information, opinions, culture, entertainment, education and sport, in compliance with its mission. Moreover, the schedule of programs is designed taking into account the criteria for the preferred programs, as defined by the National Broadcasting Council. The numerous mission-related tasks of a public broadcasting entity include programs for national and ethnic minorities. Polskie Radio Rzeszów produces and broadcasts the most refined genres of radio journalism, such as reportage and radio drama.In Rzeszów Radio these are programs for Ukrainian and Łemko minorities. The related achievements are presented in the article, which also discusses the findings of Radio Rzeszów monitoring conducted by the National Broadcasting Council as well as a survey commissioned by us.
Henryk Pietrzak
Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 2-M (3) 2016, 2016, s. 227-236 paper presents the results of a study involving the impact of sudden change of crosssectional area on the flow patterns and local pressure drops for flow of multi-phase mixture. The experiment was conducted in the conditions of a horizontal and vertical flow through a measuring channel. Pressure drops calculated on the basis Kawahara and Lottes methods are compared with experimental data. A system of two interconnected pipes with internal diameters of 40 and 22 mm as well as 46 and 16 mm and a total length of 7 m formed the measurement channel. The experiments involved air, water and oil.
Henryk Pietrzak
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 2, Numer 2, 2014, s. 65-76 order to accomplish the mission of a public radio it is necessary to manage the broadcasting time adequately, taking into account the mission-related objectives, such as production of programs focusing on matters important for local communities. Public radio should be perceived by the audience as a reliable and trustworthy source of information. At the same time it should compete for young listeners and improve attractiveness of the program without excessive commercialization. Therefore, being a public station, Radio Rzeszów SA broadcasts a wide variety of programs focusing on information, opinions, culture, entertainment, education and sport, in compliance with its mission. Moreover, the schedule of programs is designed taking into account the criteria for the preferred programs, as defined by the National Broadcasting Council. The numerous mission-related tasks of a public broadcasting entity include programs for national and ethnic minorities. Polskie Radio Rzeszów produces and broadcasts the most refined genres of radio journalism, such as reportage and radio drama.In Rzeszów Radio these are programs for Ukrainian and Łemko minorities. The related achievements are presented in the article, which also discusses the findings of Radio Rzeszów monitoring conducted by the National Broadcasting Council as well as a survey commissioned by us.