Grzegorz Pertek
Wielogłos, Numer 1 (31) 2017: Ta kartka...Materialność tekstu, 2017, s. 169 - 190 Unfinished Errata. The “twisted” poems of Rafał Wojaczek
The article is a critical analysis of a collection of unpublished texts by Rafał Wojaczek entitled Nie te czasy. Utwory nieznane [Not These Times. Unknown Poems]. In the first part of the paper, the author places the book within a broader context, revealing the specific nature of its reception. He regards the analyzed volume as an element of an ongoing process of complementing the overall work of the Wroclavian artist that began a few years ago. In the second part, the author focuses on the editing of selected poems. An in-depth comparative analysis of published versions and archival records makes it possible to detect numerous editorial mistakes made during the preparation of the volume, concerning both the question of the correct reading of the autographs and typescripts, and the reconstruction of the creative process necessary for understanding the available archival material. The author of the paper puts forward a claim that this supplementation of the poet’s canon is dangerous, for it distorts not only the poetic oeuvre of Rafał Wojaczek, but also the contents of the archive itself. The scarce editorial commentary justifying the final shape of the poems on the basis of the adopted criteria of evaluating the archival records cannot efficiently replace the sophisticated critical apparatus obligatory in such cases, and it turns out to be not only insufficient, but also contrary to the facts.
Grzegorz Pertek
Wielogłos, Numer 1 (51) 2022: Ludzkie, pozaludzkie, postludzkie, 2022, s. 117 - 133 of Topicality (On the Book of Konrad Wojtyła’s Anti-Antichrist? A Religious Wojaczek)
This paper is a review the book Anty-antychryst? Wojaczek religijny (Anti-Antichrist? A Religious Wojaczek), published by Konrad Wojtyła in 2021. The author conducts a criticism of Wojtyła’s interpretation of RafałWojaczek’s oeuvre. The most important factors, crucial to the final outlook of this publication, are analysed: research techniques, methodology, reconstruction of the current state of research and especially the relations between Wojaczek’s poetry and biography, as described by Wojtyła, definitions of key terminology used, as well as interpretative practices, observed in the readings of given poems.