Doktor habilitowany, Katedra Prawa Administracyjnego, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, radca prawny, pozaetatowy członek Samorządowego Kolegium Odwoławczego w Toruniu.
Dorota Sylwestrzak
Radca Prawny, 3 (32), 2022, s. 123-126 on the scientific conference “Challenges of the self-government of attorneys-at-law in the modern times” (June 23–24, 2022, Toruń)
The scientific conference, “Challenges of the self-government of attorneys-at-law in the modern times” was organized on June 23–24, 2022 in Toruń on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law by the Toruń Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law. It addressed the tasks of the attorneys’-at-law self-government, both in the context of the community and in the context of the role of professional self-government in a democratic state of law, as well as the role of attorneys-at-law in the system of legal protection bodies and civil society, and their participation in social, economic and technological changes at the local and national levels.
Dorota Sylwestrzak
Radca Prawny, 1 (38), 2024, s. 11-33