Dominika Kaniecka is a literary scholar, Croatian and Slavonic studies specialist from the Institute of Slavic Studies at Jagiellonian University. Her research interests include issues related to Croatian and Bosnian-Herzegovinian literature and culture, community practices in the post-Yugoslav region, the performative potential of contemporary social and political life, and broadly understood engaged humanities. She is the author of the monograph Narrating the Nation: Croatian Identity According to August Šenoa (Kraków 2014), as well as of several academic papers and literary translations. She is a member and cofounder of the Inter-institutional Post-Yugoslav Area Research Group at the University of Warsaw, a member of the PAU Commission on Slavic Culture, and the Polish Commission for Balkan History and Culture (AIESEE).
Dominika Kaniecka
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 18, Issue 3-4, 2023, s. IX-XI Kaniecka
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 18, Issue 3-4, 2023, s. 231-245 mojej analizy jest rewizja zaangażowania sarajewskiego pisarza i intelektualisty Ivana Lovrenovicia. Interesuje mnie przede wszystkim widoczna w tekstach zmiana interwencji na wyjaśnianie rzeczywistości i autorefleksja intelektualisty na temat własnego zaangażowania. Istotny dla rozważań jest moment przejścia autora z fazy aktywnego uczestnictwa w debacie publicznej na rzecz kształtu państwa (Bośni i Hercegowiny), jego wspólnoty kulturowej, do pozycji autsajdera z wyboru, do strefy dobrej samotności. Etap ten nie oznacza moim zdaniem rezygnacji z postawy intelektualisty zaangażowanego i całkowitego zaniechania działań na rzecz zmiany w przestrzeni społecznej i politycznej. Lovrenović w moim przekonaniu nie odwraca się od swojej epoki, nie uwalnia od poczucia odpowiedzialności. W wymiarze tekstowym jest to stopniowe przechodzenie od publicystyki do fikcji literackiej. Głównym materiałem interpretacyjnym, a także mobilizacją do takiego ujęcia tematu jest książka Lovrenovica Sizifova sreća (Szczęście Syzyfa) z roku 2018, która w całości stanowi ciekawy przykład rewizji jednego z etapów zaangażowania. Szerszą ramę czasową dla moich rozważań stanowią lata 1994–2018.
Dominika Kaniecka
Kultura Słowian, Tom XII, 2016, s. 167-178 Bulić, młody chorwacki pisarz i publicysta, w pierwszych latach XX w. stworzył w chorwackiej blogosferze postać Denisa Lalicia, autora poczytnego blogu. Denis Lalić przez cztery lata odważnie komentował dalmatyńską i zagrzebską rzeczywistość. Jego medialna śmierć, upamiętniona papierową publikacją 30 najciekawszych fragmentów blogu, poprzedziła prozatorski debiut Bulicia. Wykreowany w wirtualnej rzeczywistości Denis Lalić „ożywa” na kartach powieści Putovanje u srce hrvatskog sna jako jej główny bohater. Przypadek ten analizowany jest w artykule jako przykład ilustrujący specyficzny rozwój chorwackiej blogosfery. Kontekst dla rozważań stanowią pytania dotyczące zależności pomiędzy literaturą a Internetem, obecności literatury w sieci oraz żywotności fenomenu blogowania.
Dominika Kaniecka
Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2017, s. 263-276 from Bosnia and Herzegovina or Bosnian Croats? Searching for the Identity of a Certain Micro-culture – Preliminary Considerations
The main aim of the article is to show complicated processes of self-identifi cation of Croats living in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to analyze the defi nition of national and cultural identity of Croats from Bosnia and Herzegovina. This question interests me especially in the context of recent political changes in Croatia but also deepening economic crisis, which has caused a major social unrest in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Changing the course of Croatian offi cial policy in 2015 brought to the public the need of redefi ning the concept of being Croatian. Also in the case of the Bosnian Croats – consistently infl uenced by strong Croatian national policy approaching them since the 90s of the twentieth century by the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ). In such turbulent times one may again come up with very up-to-date questions about whether the true homeland of Bosnian Croats could be only Croatia, or Bosnian Croats can be Bosniaks too, because it is still possible for Bosnia to be „Croatian, Serbian, Muslim” at the same time. National identity is the example of the Bosnian Croats tool used in everyday political clashes. As the researcher of culture I am the most of all interested in how it is defi ned and manifested in the public space. An important point of reference for my research is Ivan Lovrenovic’s publications, he fi rst described the situation of Croatians in Bosnia in such a comprehensive way.
Dominika Kaniecka
Wielogłos, Numer 2 (44) 2020: Wspólnoty kobiece, 2020, s. 151-160 of Isochimes and Literature. On Magdalena Koch’s Book Mistrzynie myślenia. Serbski esej feministyczny (XIX−XXI wiek)
This article presents Mistrzynie myślenia Serbski esej feministyczny (XIX−XXI wiek) [Woman Intellectual Mentors: The Serbian Feminist Essay (From the 19th to the 20thCentury)], a book by Magdalena Koch. This is a significant monograph that clarifies the role and place of women in Serbian literature and culture, as well as the essay as an important tool in the process of emancipation of Serbian women. Polish researcher provides a diachronic panorama of the genre over the past two centuries. The book’s crucial point is its focus on the clear presence of the tradition of the feminist essay in the cultural space in Serbia.
Dominika Kaniecka
Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne, Tom XXIX, 2020, s. 119-134 Bosnia or How to Learn and Teach about Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Field – a Report from a Certain Project
The article is an attempt to summarize the observations conducted as part of the didactic student project implemented at the Institute of Slavonic Studies in the 2017/2018 academic year. The outgoing part of the project was implemented in April 2018 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and was aimed at improving and diversifying the didactic process related to teaching about the area of cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project was directed to advanced Slavic students and assumed the participation of local experts. The initiator and organizer, who is also the author of this article, entrusted the implementation of individual points of the program on the spot to local experts in order to enable a thorough observation of participants’ reactions (and their own) to individual elements of the project. The program was inspired by the anthropological order of work in the field. The activities carried out by the Krakow Slavists on the spot will not contribute significantly to the observed culture, but they certainly changed the participants’ optics and sensitized them to the key issues for comprehending Bosnia. Project participants (including the author of the text herself) abandoned the search for answers to the question in the title of the project about whether Sarajevo is the space of community or division. This question was abandoned for a better understanding of how to learn and teach about Bosnia and Herzegovina, not to deepen its divisions and how to contribute to changes in the perception of Bosnia by Europe. The experience of elements of the project implemented in the field has also raised a number of new questions and doubts that are desirable in the teaching process, as they may increase interest in the explored area and the desire to return to both issues and places