Alina Nowicka-Jeżowa
Romanica Cracoviensia, Numero speciale (3), Tom 23 (2023), s. 309 - 320 cuique esset fides. Some Remarks on religious Background of Jan Kochanowski, Student of the University of Padua
The article presents religious attitudes of Humanists acting in the environment of Padua University in the middle of 16th century. At this background it follows development of religious beliefs of Jan Kochanowski during his studies in Padua (1552‒1559), then his strategy of coexistence with various confession groups in Polish Res Publica.
Alina Nowicka-Jeżowa
Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (28) 2024, 2024, s. 135 - 151