Aleksandra Szczepan
Wielogłos, Numer 3 (49) 2021, 2021, s. 139 - 154 Story of a Certain Smile. On Jan Borowicz’s Pamięć perwersyjna. Pozycje polskich świadków Zagłady [Perverse Memory. The Polish Shoah Witnesses’ Positions]
The paper focuses on the book Pamięć perwersyjna. Pozycje polskiego świadka Zagłady (2020) by Jan Borowicz. The author summarizes its main concepts and analyzes them in the context of recent discussions and publications on Polish collective memory, the category of witness and Holocaust by bullets.
Aleksandra Szczepan
Przegląd Kulturoznawczy, Numer 4 (22) , 2014, s. 411 - 426 Nonmemory: the Experience of the Great War in Polish Literature of the Interwar Period
The aim of the article is to show the possibility of changing the angle from which we perceive Polish literature on World War I written in the interwar period. In Polish literary studies, there is a dominating tendency to see the Great War exclusively in terms of political event which led Poland to regain its independence; in other words, as a theme or motive of a politically oriented literature. Yet, there were many writers who considered the war a cruel and traumatic event which radically changed their ways of experiencing reality. Thus, the paper’s goal is to show how the Great War might be perceived as a modern even and how its influence on literary expression might be considered. Having provided an overview of trauma as a modern concept and basic premises of cultural trauma theory, the present paper subsequently investigates three specimens of interwar Polish literary production and discusses them within the framework of trauma studies so as to show how this kind of reading might prove beneficial to one’s perception of modern Polish literature.