Agnieszka Generowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 3 Year 2018 (115), 2018, s. 153-163 article presents the conception of an intelligent system for monitoring and managing the municipal waste disposal in metropolises. Applying advanced IT solutions using intelligent computational techniques enables the passage from the passive position of selfgovernment units (JST) in managing the waste disposal to the active position, especially in decision making during the problem solving of planning systems associated with the organisation management of the complex infrastructure of the waste disposal. The aim of using ICT systems is an increase in the reliability of the economy of systemic waste, monitoring in real time, the stabilization of the work of the system and the optimization of logistic and technological processes in the context of the raw material, energy application and simultaneously limiting the influence on all components of the environment.
Agnieszka Generowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, s. 145-155
The paper presents application of multicriteria analysis for selection of the best technology of a small
wastewater treatment plant. The calculations performed for two plant capacities and various effluent
standards are based on compromise programming method. For each plant’s capacity the three different
treatment technologies are considered. The selection of the best technology is done with a define set of
sustainability criteria. The proposed method can be used for selection of the best treatment technology and
the technical solution at the stage of wastewater system planning and designing as well as for evaluation of
already operated plants from sustainability standpoint.
Agnieszka Generowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, s. 113-127
The paper presents the influence of meteorological and local terrain conditions for the possibility of the spread of pollutants
in ambient air from the surface sources of pollution e.g. landfills. The spread of pollutants in ambient air, in the form of so-called
“cloud of pollution” can reach a few hundred meters from the landfill. Many years of observation and research in the areas covered
by the authors waste disposal indicates that the essential elements affect the behavior of a cloud of pollutants over the area of the
landfill are: degree of vertical air stability, wind direction and speed and nature of air turbulence, precipitation, and shape and type
of land cover. All these factors should be taken into account when assessing the site in terms of its suitability for the prospective
location of the landfill as well as adequate security at the design stage anti-migration.
Agnieszka Generowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 2-Ś (23) 2012, 2012, s. 71-93 paper presents the adaptive, reactive computer assistance system design methodology, making modelling, analysis, and testing possible of the integrated waste management systems. The presented model is defined in a multilayer open architecture, i.e.-, it consists of the logical spaces of the constituent models (submodels) of the object classes and real processes of the waste management system. Topics covered by the paper include elements of a literature review on the modelling of systems and waste management processes, review of the programming environments employed, as well as a description of the object- -oriented waste management systems design methodology.
Agnieszka Generowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 2-Ś (23) 2012, 2012, s. 177-190 problem of radioactive wastes concerns all developed countries in which nuclear energy has become common in practically all spheres of life and economy. Radioactive wastes require special treatment connected with their processing, transport and temporary and permanent storage in surface and underground stockpiles in chosen rock outcroppings. The paper presents types of radioactive wastes formed in Poland, criteria of their division and classification, methods of neutralization and utilization. Systems of barriers for radioactive wastes stockpiles protecting the environment are presented, especially conditions resulting from geological structure and soil properties, which form a natural protective barrier.
Agnieszka Generowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 11 Year 2017 (114), 2017, s. 117-126 krwi zwierzęcej zawiera ok. 91% wody, dlatego wymaga zatężenia przed właściwym suszeniem. Przedstawione wyniki badań wykazały przydatność technik membranowych. Zawartość białka we wszystkich otrzymanych filtratach wynosiła od 0,15 do 0,26%, niezależnie od jego stężenia w plazmie. Stężenie białka w koncentracie wzrasta wraz ze stopniem zatężania. Dla surowca zawierającego 6,05% białka, przy 2,3-krotnym zatężeniu było równe 13,84%, zaś 3-krotnym 18,24%. Wydajność procesu filtracji membranowej jest stabilna w czasie. Membrany nie wykazują tendencji do zatkania się. Wydajność filtracji wzrasta z temperaturą i maleje wraz ze wzrostem stopnia zatężania. Dla obu użytych membran przepuszczalność osocza jest porównywalna, jednak membrana 0,07 μm ze względu na wyższą skuteczność filtracji (30%) jest preferowana do stosowania w skali przemysłowej.
Agnieszka Generowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 1-Ś (18) 2015, 2015, s. 3-14 solutions for regional waste management systems is task that requires difficult decisions. This paper presents and evaluates alternative solutions to this problem using the example of solution of this system by an example of the waste management in Zabrze. These strategies were assessed using measurable economic, environmental and social criteria. Subsequently, by using multi-criteria analysis for evaluating various aspects, the most favorable variant in terms of compromise was selected. This solution concerns the expansion of the existing waste sorting plant in the city through the addition of elements of mechanical-biological waste treatment. This option does not provide for the construction of installations for waste incineration.
The tendencies of changes in the accumulation of municipal solid waste as an example of a small town
Agnieszka Generowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko Zeszyt 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, s. 101-112 article presents the results of the researches of waste accumulation made in the city and municipality of Skawina in May–November 2010 term. Skawina is forty thousand village, situated in Małopolska Province about 15 km southwest of Krakow. The researches were conducted non-investment. They were made within the confines of working on engineering thesis pursuant to agreement between City Council of Skawina municipality and Faculty of Environmental Engineering Cracow University of Technology. These researches were the continuation of researches having been conducted from 2006. It was a chance to show the tendency of waste accumulation changes taking a small city into consideration. The results obtained fit into the limits of literature data and can be used as an input in the estimation of indicators for similar settlements. Municipality Skawina also used the results to the calculation of charges for using of the waste management system and the design features and the form of that system.
Agnieszka Generowicz
Czasopismo Techniczne, Środowisko 1-Ś (11) 2016, 2016, s. 87-96 animal blood plasma, which is offered to the market as a feed product, should meet appropriate standards of quality and epidemiological safety. That is why blood drawing, its transportation, storage and processing must be performed with absolute observance of the principles of hygiene and sanitation. The paper discusses the possibilities of application of techniques used in the food industry for the pretreatment of animal blood plasma to ensure a high quality of the final product. Both the proper treatment of this by-product from the animal’s production as well as its recycling and re-use as a feed or food additives are examples of practical use of cleaner production methods.