Protest of Disabled Persons and Their Care-Givers in 2018 on the Pages of Polish Weeklies Newsweek and Sieci and the Problem of Tabloidisation
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEProtest of Disabled Persons and Their Care-Givers in 2018 on the Pages of Polish Weeklies Newsweek and Sieci and the Problem of Tabloidisation
Publication date: 20.12.2019
Media Research Issues, 2019, Volume 62, Issue 4 (240), pp. 43 - 61
Protest osób niepełnosprawnych i ich opiekunów w 2018 roku na łamach tygodników Newsweek i Sieci a problem tabloidyzacji
Protest of Disabled Persons and Their Care-Givers in 2018 on the Pages of Polish Weeklies Newsweek and Sieci and the Problem of Tabloidisation
The text aims to analyze the way in which the protest of disabled persons and their caregivers in 2018 was presented on the pages of selected issues of two opinion magazines: Newsweekand Sieci. The main thesis is that the entire message was subjected to tabloidization, which led to the questioning of the events that took place in Polish Parliament. The author focuses on five determinants of tabloidization, namely: colloquialism, emotionalism, sensational-ism, personalization and visualization. This review shows that the coverage of the protest in Newsweek and Sieci meets all the determinants of tabloidization . In addition to that, both sides of the public dispute are discredited and there is no detailed analysis of the whole event. Thanks to the conducted research, the article may contribute to the contemporary debate on the progressive tabloidization of opinion weeklies.
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Information: Media Research Issues, 2019, Volume 62, Issue 4 (240), pp. 43 - 61
Article type: Original article
Protest osób niepełnosprawnych i ich opiekunów w 2018 roku na łamach tygodników Newsweek i Sieci a problem tabloidyzacji
Protest of Disabled Persons and Their Care-Givers in 2018 on the Pages of Polish Weeklies Newsweek and Sieci and the Problem of Tabloidisation
Uniwersytet Śląski, Wydział Filologiczny, plac Sejmu Śląskiego 1, Katowice
Published at: 20.12.2019
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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