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HBO – wzorzec współczesnej telewizji jakościowej

Publication date: 29.06.2016

Media Research Issues, 2016, Volume 59, Issue 1 (225), pp. 32 - 50



Małgorzata Pawłowska
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Kraków
, Poland
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HBO – wzorzec współczesnej telewizji jakościowej


HBO – The Model of the Contemporary Quality Television

New tv series are the result and co-relate of the so-called quality television. The prototype and the model of such type of television is the American tv station HBO that – while maintaining its own, recognizable artistic identity – is forced to deal with the specifically American mechanism of the tv market: the necessity to compete between the stations for the attention of more and more competent and discriminate viewer. The author describes the history and the current actions of HBO in the situation where tv medium evolves incessantly and is reshaped as a result of the social, technological, legal processes within its environment. HBO is the station that enjoys the stable success in these changing condition.



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Information: Media Research Issues, 2016, Volume 59, Issue 1 (225), pp. 32 - 50

Article type: Original article



HBO – wzorzec współczesnej telewizji jakościowej


HBO – The Model of the Contemporary Quality Television


Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Kraków

Published at: 29.06.2016

Article status: Open

Licence: None

Percentage share of authors:

Małgorzata Pawłowska (Author) - 100%

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<p> HBO – The Model of the Contemporary Quality Television</p>