Consequences in family systems if couples bind themselves bicultural
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Issues in Social Work, 2014, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 17-29
Zu Auswirkungen auf Familiensysteme, wenn Paare sich bikulturell binden
With an empiric research we tried to find answers to the question, with which social and familial situations couples with multicultural background have to argue in an increasingly globalizing country. More than 30 pair relations and also many experts who work professionally with this personal group were questioned about it, as well as interviews of parents with bicultural married children carried out. The respective results offer three perspectives of this increasingly returning to normal phenomenon.
Thus the couples on varied ways meet, they communicate in extremely different kinds with each other, with members and their environment, they form their everyday life, in particular with their children, astonishingly creatively and they handle with individual, family and social conflicts confidently. On the other hand the experts experience such pairs and families mainly in conflict situations, like with separation and divorce or with education problems. From the advisers point family constellations reveal themselves which promote a success or also hinder just. The questioning of parents with adult, bicultural married children proves an other perspective which can be called basically supporting, however nevertheless also as anxious must be called, above all if the own child stays abroad and also if it approaches more or adapts (adjusts) of the family in law then the questioned parents favour it. Selected results and single pair biographies, e.g., German-Polish couples, are presented and discussed with look at consequences in the family system.
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Information: Issues in Social Work, 2014, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 17-29
Article type: Original article
Consequences in family systems if couples bind themselves bicultural
Institut für Innovation und Beratung an der Evangelischen Hochschule Berlin, INIB Teltower Damm 118-122, 14167 Berlin
Published at: 2014
Article status: Open
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