The relationships between on-going terror attacks, military operations and wars and the well-being of Jewish and Arab three generations civilians in Israel
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe relationships between on-going terror attacks, military operations and wars and the well-being of Jewish and Arab three generations civilians in Israel
Publication date: 27.05.2017
Issues in Social Work, 2017, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp. 25-38
The relationships between on-going terror attacks, military operations and wars and the well-being of Jewish and Arab three generations civilians in Israel
Between the state of Israel independent declaration in 1948, until this very days, wars, military operations and on-going national terror had been its daily routine to cope with. The main goal of this study was to review published studies on the impact of those extreme negative life events on the well-being and mental health of various groups of Arab and Jewish civilians in Israel. In addition, this study emphasizes well-known PTSD risk factors related to terrorism, military operations and war in Israel, as well as dissociative symptoms, ASD symptoms, and Death anxiety. The study also deals with some of the background characteristics, the internal and the external resources of the individual, in three age groups, which can take the role of mediator variables between those negative events and the populations’ well-being. The literature published in Israel from the beginning of studding those subjects, available up to January 2017, was systematically reviewed. About thirteen studies on the impact of on-going terror attacks and risk factors for distress, trauma and PTSD and, about ten studies on coping strategies were identified. Causes, risk factors, variety of outcomes and coping strategies were widespread from the earlier and traditional to more recent and modern approaches towards those subjects and sometimes integrated.
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Information: Issues in Social Work, 2017, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp. 25-38
Article type: Original article
University of Haifa, Israel
University of Haifa, Israel
Published at: 27.05.2017
Article status: Open
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