The art of relations: theatre – social work. Co-creation of a theatrical group by mentally ill persons as a creative form of empowerment.
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RIS BIB ENDNOTESztuka relacji: teatr – praca socjalna. Współtworzenie grupy teatralnej przez osoby chorujące psychicznie jako kreatywna forma upodmiotowiania.
Publication date: 2015
Issues in Social Work, 2015, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 39-55
Sztuka relacji: teatr – praca socjalna. Współtworzenie grupy teatralnej przez osoby chorujące psychicznie jako kreatywna forma upodmiotowiania.
This article aims to recognize the potential of theatre in the process of social work in Poland, taking into account the perspective of globally-used solutions as well as local conditions that mentally ill persons find themselves in. The results presented here originate from a qualitative study based on the method of participatory observation as well as interviews with members and creators of four polish theatres aim to show the role that belonging to a theatrical group plays in the process of empowerment. The research findings suggest that it is possible to treat the co-creation of theatrical groups by persons suffering from mental illnesses as a form of a social rehabilitation, underlining the meaning of self-determination, the sensation of having influence, the development of relationships as well as the possibility of identification with the status of an actor despite the increasing symptoms of illnesses. The experience of theatre, which helps to create the reality of human condition, carries with itself not just the reflection on a certain intangiblity of the contact between a social worker and a client, the deeply human imperative of help, but foremost the revelation of an inner covenant between social work and art, being fulfilled in unceasing improvement and the search for better ways to communicate.
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Information: Issues in Social Work, 2015, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp. 39-55
Article type: Original article
Sztuka relacji: teatr – praca socjalna. Współtworzenie grupy teatralnej przez osoby chorujące psychicznie jako kreatywna forma upodmiotowiania.
The art of relations: theatre – social work. Co-creation of a theatrical group by mentally ill persons as a creative form of empowerment.
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
Published at: 2015
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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