Teaching from the Cloud
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RIS BIB ENDNOTETeaching from the Cloud
Publication date: 19.12.2016
Glottodidactic Journal, 2016, Issue 6 (2016) , pp. 31 - 42
Teaching from the Cloud
This article covers the issues pertaining to the use of free online Cloud Computing (CC) services when teaching a foreign language. It presents various tools that can be utilized by a teacher in several settings: from one-to-one tuition, teaching language for general purposes to teaching language for specific purposes. The practical ideas included in the article all stem from the author’s personal experience in teaching both English and Polish as foreign languages with the use of CC tools.
The first part of the article deals with the definition of Cloud Computing and the most typical divisions of available CC resources. It also covers the theoretical possibilities that CC brings to a teacher and the challenges and drawbacks that teachers can face when using this technology in class.
The second part presents freely available online CC resources and gives examples as to how they can be used in class in a variety of settings. It covers the following tools: Google Drive, SoundCloud, Prezi and YouTube.
The conclusion attempts to anticipate the future developments of Cloud Computing for education.
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Information: Glottodidactic Journal, 2016, Issue 6 (2016) , pp. 31 - 42
Article type: Original article
Teaching from the Cloud
Teaching from the Cloud
Published at: 19.12.2016
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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EnglishView count: 1582
Number of downloads: 1091