Redefinition of the Catholic Church’s mission in the conflictual culture of modern Bolivia
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEKościół w Boliwii – redefinicja misji w kulturze konfliktu
Publication date: 01.12.2011
Culture Management, 2011, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp. 271 - 293
Kościół w Boliwii – redefinicja misji w kulturze konfliktu
Redefinition of the Catholic Church’s mission in the conflictual culture of modern Bolivia
Bolivia with the president Evo Morales has taken a course of reforms in the domain of economic ownership and social promotion of the indigenous Aymara and Quechua majority. Within the framework of socio-political and cultural tensions, the Catholic Church in Bolivia finds itself endangered by the governmental policy of marginalization all Western influences and the diminishing the impact of Christian religions. The attempt to return to the pre-Columbian beliefs of the Altiplano tribes does not leave much room for the continuation of the traditional involvements of the Church. The strategy of persistence, constant adaptation and creativity, seem to be the crucial elements of re-thinking the hitherto ways of the carrying out of the mission.
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Information: Culture Management, 2011, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp. 271 - 293
Article type: Original article
Kościół w Boliwii – redefinicja misji w kulturze konfliktu
Redefinition of the Catholic Church’s mission in the conflictual culture of modern Bolivia
Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow
ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 26, Kraków, Poland, Poland
Published at: 01.12.2011
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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