The Shift in Focus of Fiscal and Monetary Control (Financial Aspects of Revitalization Projects)
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe Shift in Focus of Fiscal and Monetary Control (Financial Aspects of Revitalization Projects)
Publication date: 2010
Public Management, 2010, Issue 1-2 (9-10), pp. 195 - 205
The Shift in Focus of Fiscal and Monetary Control (Financial Aspects of Revitalization Projects)
The opening up of the national financial systems of new EU-countries contain both considerable economic advantages and significant risks. Their national systems did not adapt to the accelerating innovation in the field of financial instruments. The fiscal and monetary control systems are the toolkit of regulations, its effects on process of revitalization are evident.
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Information: Public Management, 2010, Issue 1-2 (9-10), pp. 195 - 205
Article type: Original article
The Shift in Focus of Fiscal and Monetary Control (Financial Aspects of Revitalization Projects)
The Shift in Focus of Fiscal and Monetary Control (Financial Aspects of Revitalization Projects)
Szent István University, Hungary
Published at: 2010
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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