Rola wizerunku powiatowych urzędów pracy w zarządzaniu relacjami z przedstawicielami sektora biznesu
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RIS BIB ENDNOTERola wizerunku powiatowych urzędów pracy w zarządzaniu relacjami z przedstawicielami sektora biznesu
Publication date: 2009
Public Management, 2009, Issue 1 (5) , pp. 71 - 86
Rola wizerunku powiatowych urzędów pracy w zarządzaniu relacjami z przedstawicielami sektora biznesu
The paper presents reflections on the significance of good and long-lasting relationship between an employment agency and employers as the important group of its customers. The article focuses on how the marketing orientation and good market image of an employment agency may affect relationship between the employment agency and employers as its customers.
The marketing orientation is more and more popular in management both in public and private sector. The relationship management in the public sector is quite different than in the private sector and the business methods need to be changed and adjusted by public managers.
The paper focuses especially on the labour as a specific kind of product offered by employment agencies, thus employment agency managers have to develop new effective marketing and management methods. The ideas, presented in the article, are based both on the marketing management literature and empirical research among customers of two employment agencies.
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Information: Public Management, 2009, Issue 1 (5) , pp. 71 - 86
Article type: Original article
Rola wizerunku powiatowych urzędów pracy w zarządzaniu relacjami z przedstawicielami sektora biznesu
Rola wizerunku powiatowych urzędów pracy w zarządzaniu relacjami z przedstawicielami sektora biznesu
Jagiellonian University, The Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Łojasiewicza 4, Kraków 30-348, Poland
Published at: 2009
Article status: Open
Licence: None
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PolishView count: 1504
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