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Bohuslaus of Lobkowicz and Hassenstein. A Poet between Nations and Denominations

Publication date: 20.12.2024

Terminus, 2024, Volume 26, Issue 3-4 (72-73) 2024, pp. 255-269



Marta Vaculínová
Czech Academy of Sciences
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1454-8224 Orcid
All publications →


Bohuslaus of Lobkowicz and Hassenstein. A Poet between Nations and Denominations


Bohuslaus of Lobkowicz and Hassenstein (ca. 1461–1510), a Bohemian nobleman and outstanding Latin poet, is remarkable for the rich and contradictory ways in which his personality was interpreted up to the twentieth century. Although a fervent Catholic, in the sixteenth century he became a model for Czech non-Catholic humanists of Wittenberg training, for whom he represented a hero who liberated his country from barbarism. The Catholics did not “take him back” until long after the defeat of the non-Catholic Estates, and in the second half of the seventeenth century the Jesuits presented a legend of him as a poet laureate of the Pope himself. In parallel, his legacy lived on in the German Lutheran lands, where his first brief monograph was written and reprints of his works were published. The Enlightenment provided a less polarizing view of Hassenstein, though paradoxically it was a Jesuit, Ignatius Cornova, who has written the most comprehensive monograph on Hassenstein to date. Although Cornova tried to take a balanced view, even he could not avoid using psychologizing conclusions to describe Hassenstein in a way that suited his pedagogical purposes, even if in so doing he had to suppress or distort some facts. After the Enlightenment, the confessional aspect lost its urgency, and another conflicting issue arose in the presentation of Hassenstein—his belonging to a certain nation. Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, scholars argued over whether he was Czech or German. These debates faithfully mirrored contemporary political developments, and only ended after World War II, when modern editions of Hassenstein’s works and the scholarly studies by their editors, Dana Martínková and Jan Martínek, provided an objective view of Hassenstein as a humanist writer and historical figure.


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Information: Terminus, 2024, Volume 26, Issue 3-4 (72-73) 2024, pp. 255-269

Article type: Original article



Marta Vaculínová
Czech Academy of Sciences
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1454-8224 Orcid
All publications →

Czech Academy of Sciences

Published at: 20.12.2024

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY  licence icon

Article financing:

This study is an output of the project GA22-03419S ‘Forms of humanism in the literature of the Czech lands II’ supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and carried out at the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, v. v. i., Prague.

Percentage share of authors:

Marta Vaculínová (Author) - 100%

Information about author:

Marta Vaculínová (Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences) specializes in Neo-Latin literature in the Czech lands and the history of libraries and education in the early modern period. She works as a researcher in the Neo-Latin Department of the Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS. List of publications: https://www.ics.cas.cz/en/staff/41/marta-vaculinova/bibliography

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