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Protection of the Interest of Workers in Court Proceedings after the Amendment to the Polish Code of Civil Procedure of 4 July 2019

Publication date: 29.06.2020

Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy, Volume 27 (2020), Volume 27 Issue 3, pp. 207 - 215



Krzysztof Wojciech Baran
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5165-8265 Orcid
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Protection of the Interest of Workers in Court Proceedings after the Amendment to the Polish Code of Civil Procedure of 4 July 2019


The amendment of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure of 4 July 2019 (Dz.U. 2019, item 1469) introduced several changes to the Polish system of procedural law. In this light, the question arises, whether these changes significantly affect the status of workers who pursue their claims before labour courts. The subject of the paper is only the procedural aspect.

ASJC: 3308, JEL: K31


Flejszar R. (2012) Ograniczenie zasady dyspozycyjności w postępowaniu w sprawach z zakresu prawa pracy, “Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej.”

Góra-Błaszczykowska A. (2016) [in:] K. W. Baran (red.), System prawa pracy, t. 6: Procesowe prawo pracy, Warszawa.

Iwulski J. (1998) Udzial inspektora pracy w postępowaniu o ustalenie istnienia stosunku pracy, “Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne,” nr 9.

Machnikowska A. (2016) [in:] K. W. Baran (red.), System prawa pracy, t. 6: Procesowe prawo pracy, Warszawa.

Piasecki K. (1965), Problematyka formy czynności prawnych i dowodów z dokumentów w zakresie stosunków pracy, “Palestra,” nr 10.

Prusinowski P. (2013) System dyskrecjonalnej władzy sędziego w sprawach z powództwa pracownika, “Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne,” nr 1.

Court sentences

The resolution of the Supreme Court of 6 March 1986, III PZP 11/86, OSNCP 1987, No. 1, item 11.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 11 April 1997, I PKN 89/97, OSNAPUS 1998, No. 2, item 35.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 13 May 1997, II UKN100/97, OSNAPiUS 1998, No. 4, item 133.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 30 June 1999, II UKN 21/99, OSNAPiUS 2000, No. 18.

The decision of the Supreme Court of 28 September 1999, II CKN 269/99, “Pracownik i Pracodawca” 2000, No. 2, item 27.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 9 February 2000, III CKN 590/98, LEX 52775.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 11 October 2000, II UKN 33/00, OSNAPiUS 2002, No. 10, item 251.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 16 January 2009, I PK 138/08, OSNP 2010, No. 15–16, item 184.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 23 July 2009, II PK 26/09, LEX 533037.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 3 September 2009, III PK 33/09, OSNP 2011, No. 9–10, item 120.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 10 March 2010, II PK 266/09, LEX 602245.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 2 December 2012, II PK 131/10, LEX 794786.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 9 September 2013, II PK 366/12, LEX 1573746.

The decision of the Supreme Court of 22 July 2014, III PZ 7/14, LEX 1498820.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 14 October 2014, II PK 293/13, LEX 1545143.

The decision of the Supreme Court of 15 October 2014, I PZ 20/14, LEX 1541251.

The judgment of the Administrative Court in Katowice of 22 April 2015, V ACa 726/14, LEX 1682851.

The judgment of the Supreme Court of 24 June 2015, II PK 182/14, LEX 1766114.

Legal acts

The Code of Civil Procedure of 4 July 2019, Dz.U. 2019, item 1469.



Information: Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy, Volume 27 (2020), Volume 27 Issue 3, pp. 207 - 215

Article type: Original article



Protection of the Interest of Workers in Court Proceedings after the Amendment to the Polish Code of Civil Procedure of 4 July 2019


Protection of the Interest of Workers in Court Proceedings after the Amendment to the Polish Code of Civil Procedure of 4 July 2019



Krzysztof Wojciech Baran
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5165-8265 Orcid
All publications →

Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

Published at: 29.06.2020

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Krzysztof Wojciech Baran (Author) - 100%

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